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The Betrayal of Mitch McConnell et al

The Congress of the United States is now what is called a “Lame Duck Congress”. Which basically means it’s a congress that, if it can stand together, can pass anything and be held responsible for nothing.

McConnell and 11 others just joined with the Democrats to pass the Defense of Marriage Act. The DMA supposedly fortifies non-hetero marriages. There was absolutely no reason to try and reinforce the strength or legal standing on non-traditional couples. SCOTUS ruled on it last year – they have equal protections and rights as hetero couples. What the DMA does is allow non-traditional couples to sue Churches, Businesses, and Individuals if they do not recognize those marriages in their own private view. The DMA does one thing it DESTROY’S THE 1st AMMENDMENT. It completely crushes both Religious Freedom, and Freedom of Speech.

And 12 Republican’s led by Mitch McConnell made it happen.

Mitch McConnell is now gathering his RINO corrupt career Senators to pass an “Omnibus Spending Bill” for the Entire next year based on the last two years spending with built in increases. This will tie the incoming House of Representatives hands in what spending disasters the Biden regime has been engaging in, and funds that out of control spending continue passed for one more complete year, A parting gift from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer gifted to the Democrats thanks to Mitch McConnell et al.

Screw the incoming House and the American People they represent, but that’s our Elected Senatorial Republican Party Leader Mitch the “Turtle” McConnell.

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