Matt Gaetz cutting off your nose to spite your face
Gaetz has forced the ouster of Keven McCarthy, let’s take a good look at what is really going on here….
I will not submit, I will not comply
Gaetz has forced the ouster of Keven McCarthy, let’s take a good look at what is really going on here….
An unmatched champion for the America First movement, Kari Lake in her first book, Unafraid: Just Getting Started, outlines her…
Kari Lake has emerged as one of the most inspiring MAGA politicians in the United States. She stood as the GOP candidate for Governor of the state of Arizona but appears to have been cheated out of winning just as Trump was in 2020. She joins me next…
The House of Representatives just passed the debt ceiling deal by an overwhelming majority – even among Republicans. The final…
Democrats weaponised and changed the law so that one particular strange woman could sue Donald Trump in a civilian New York Court. Guess what, it won’t work!
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Donald Trump’s popularity amongst Republican voters has been soaring all year, as he crushes the DeSantis challenge. But now a New York jury has found him INNOCENT of a rape charge but guilty of a sexual assault. What does this mean for his chances a…
Would the Democrats be mad enough to arrest Donald Trump? Trump thinks so and has suggested it may happen this coming week. If it did happen, what would be the consequence?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
If you watch, listen, or read anything that is being said about the process taking place over the Speaker of…
Language is weaponised against us. Words are sculpted into cannons that are then despatched against those deemed the enemy. The same people who coined “Climate Denier” and “Vaccine Denier” now hurl the epithet “Election Denier” against anyone questio…
The 2022 US Mid Terms demonstrate that it’s very unlikely that the GOP will ever win again. The Cheat is in and its permanent. The Democrats have captured certain swing States and they are not coming back. So what to do NEXT?
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The Election has passed, the Holidays are here. Except for the stuff that never get’s reported about nothing is being…
In our latest Hard Truth, David and ilana question why the GOP establishment, even the MAGA candidates, WON’T EXPOSE AND…
It’s amazing isn’t it how all of a sudden polls that said for months that Republicans were behind are now…
The Woking Dead are everywhere. An army of undead ghouls turning millions into mindless, ravenous devourers of all things good and American….
Peter Navarro is one of only three senior White House officials who remained with President Trump from the 2016 presidential campaign to the end of his first term in office. His new book is “Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and Ho…