Covid is the Cold.
According to a media report in the USA, Doctors cannot distinguish between those people with common allergies/cold and Covid. There’s a reason for that…!!!!
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I will not submit, I will not comply
According to a media report in the USA, Doctors cannot distinguish between those people with common allergies/cold and Covid. There’s a reason for that…!!!!
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Over on GB News, Neil Oliver (That Coast Guy) has been speaking out about the use of Midazolam in our Care homes back in April 2020. Neil is to congratulated but let’s remember it was David Icke who first brought this cull of our elderly to our atten…
It appears that some GP surgeries are recommending that patients must start wearing face masks again. Imagine that level of stupidity…
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Dr Mandy Cohen, head of the CDC, tells us ALL to get the latest Covid shot and she insists that she will be giving it to her 9 and 11 year old daughters. This is sheer Moloch worship.
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New jabs are NOW available and the media cabal collude in trying to sell the idea that taking your 7th jab is the sensible thing to do!
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Self proclaimed “Mr Science” Dr Fauci my be “retired” but he’s still suggesting that masks work and that if there is any uptick in “cases” then a more general indoor return to masks might be required!
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It’s their only trick – push the FEAR of Covid scarients as much as possible in order to sell more vaccines. At this point it is obvious but still they do it!
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Karine Pierre-White, Joe Biden’s official White House Spokesperson, advises you to take your Autumn Covid “booster”, your RSV shot and your Flu jab! Does ANYONE listen to this Big Pharma siren?
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Did you see that such is the alleged panic over the new “Pirola” Covid variant that Boots have run out of the (literally useless) Covid test kits? Let’s discuss….
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We should value ethical doctors and in particular those who raised deep concerns during Covid times. Dr Mohammad Adil has suffered because he stood by his professional opinions. Let’s discuss his case.
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Looking back on it all, why did YOU decide not to take the “Vaccine” to protect yourself from Covid? I can tell you why I decided to stay well away from it!
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Remember when the smug middle class told us that the N95 mask was the gold standard for protecting them from “Covid”? Turns out new research suggests that wearing such masks for any extended period of time can cause organ damage or even cancer.
Did you see that there is onE NHS trust in England where less than 2% of staff have chosen to take their Autumn Booster! Now why might that be?
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You couldn’t make it up! The CDC warns that there is a new circulating Covid variant and that you may be more likely to catch it IF you have previously taken a Covid “vaccine”! Why would they say this? Let’s discuss…
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What was it like trying to keep a small cinema going during Covid lockdowns in Wales? Let’s talk to Anna…