Myocarditis is for LIFE (and death)
Some people try to dismiss Myocarditis as being often quite MILD. It’s not. It is a very serious heart condition with a very high mortality rate.
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Some people try to dismiss Myocarditis as being often quite MILD. It’s not. It is a very serious heart condition with a very high mortality rate.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Mike Yeadon joins the chorus of ever increasing numbers of doctors demanding the suspension of the Clot Shots!
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Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, the UKHSA warns there may be TWO deadly new Covid variants!
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If you look across 25 European countries you will find excess deaths are surging to new historical levels! Why?
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Donald Trump is proud of the Covid vaccines, he thinks they saved up to 100m lives, and he doubles down in support of the clot shots. Will this damage him or is it a non event? Well, I asked my Twitter followers and they gave a clear judgement!
US cardiologist Peter McCullough is calling for the Covid jabs to be pulled from the market claiming vaccines cause fatal heart damage by autopsy. “71% of people found dead at home due to taking the vaccine”. He argues the perps should be charged wit…
Andrew Bridgen has spoken out against the Covid mRNA treatments and called for their suspension until safety can be more fully evaluated. The Conservatives have punished him for this. When asked by Andrew Marr would the REFORM Party consider having B…
Most parts of the UK are currently experiencing excess deaths of 20% or more, with Covid responsible for at most 3% of these. Cardiovascular is the most common cause for all these extra deaths, and Prof Chris Whitty alleges that this may be due to St…
Back in March 2020, a Canadian lady suffering from COPD was killed by two security guards as they forced her to wear a mask despite her breathing difficulties. A judge has just thrown the case out. These people are monsters!
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The drip drip drip is becoming a torrent as more and more respected medical figures join a chorus demanding the immediate suspension of Covid jabs!
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Holywoodenhead Jamie lee Curtis reckons that your final words on your deathbed MIGHT be “I wish I had taken the vaccine”. Do you think this likely?
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I watched an interesting discussion between Neil Oliver and Dr John Campbell in which John explains his increasing questioning of the Covid narrative. He now admits he was wrong to trust the Government and senior medical advisers. Yet some of his sta…
More and more information is now emerging on HOW they manipulated death certificates to create the Covid death tsunami!
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Holywood ‘actor’ Sean Penn was enthusiastic about mandatory vaccines but has his opinion held up well?
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A 85 year old lady, a survivor of the Holocaust, is told she MUST take two Covid jabs and then be committed to a psychiatric ward in…..Germany. Where else?
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