Calling out Trudeau over forced Jabs.
Like other Covid tyrants, Trudeau says he never FORCED anyone to take the jabs. But he’s lying and now action is being taken to ensure it never happens again!
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Like other Covid tyrants, Trudeau says he never FORCED anyone to take the jabs. But he’s lying and now action is being taken to ensure it never happens again!
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Did you see that Elon Musk has called out Justin Trudeau over plans to “regulate” podcasting in Canada to make sure it “complies” with the regime. If it happens there, it could happen here!
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Having called Canadian truckers all sorts of name and suggesting they were far-right extremists, Justin Trudeau and President Zelensky stand to applaud an actual Nazi. But the problem goes deeper – Ukraine still has a Nazi problem!
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I wonder how the families of those Canadians who were killed fighting Nazis in WW2 feel about those who sit in the Canadian Parliament giving thunderous applause to 98 year old Yaroslav Hunk fought for … the 14th division of the Waffen SS!
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Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has been ordered to undergo social media remedial training for daring to tweet things which most of us would consider to be meek and mild. Canada is once again a totalitarian dump.
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The global LGBTQ+ coalition, supposedly in place to encourage “inclusion and tolerance”, is rapidly being turned into a vicious totalitarian…
David in conversation with Chris Sky Find a whole lot more at Views: 4
Things are getting interesting in Ottawa, Canada, where Muslim and Christian parents unite AGAINST a school seeking to impose pronoun tyranny on their kids! The fightback continues and this is welcome!
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97% of Canadian population growth is from foreign migration. This is the same in many other westerns countries. This is Kalergi in action.
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And ANOTHER mysterious object is shot down over American airspace! Don’t fall for any off this psyop nonsense!
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Back in March 2020, a Canadian lady suffering from COPD was killed by two security guards as they forced her to wear a mask despite her breathing difficulties. A judge has just thrown the case out. These people are monsters!
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It is a telling statistic that more people have been “assisted” in the committing of suicide between 2016-2021 than died of Covid between 2020-2021. Why is Euthanasia being pushed by the Trudeau regime?
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It’s a theme in Canada these days. If you aren’t well, have you consider euthanasia as a solution! And guess what, they are working on a protocol to suicide children younger than 18 without telling their parents!
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Lots of fake moral outrage in the West over CCP draconian tyranny! But at least we see the CCP tyranny in plain sight, that in the West is much more seditious!
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