The Anticipation is Killing Me…
January 20th 2025 just can’t come soon enough. The Nation wide freak-out we are witnessing leading up to it has…
I will not submit, I will not comply
January 20th 2025 just can’t come soon enough. The Nation wide freak-out we are witnessing leading up to it has…
It was a hinge of history moment when America suffered an attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbour back on 7th December 1941. Within days, the US entered WW2 and the rest is history. But some things remain murky about the events of that day.
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Hunter Biden was supposed to have his sweetheart Plea Bargain approved today, but it’s ridiculousness and the scrutiny of the…
A CNN columnist suggests that the only way for “White Christianity” in America to survive is if those who practise it accept that anyone from anywhere can enter their country.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I watched as a small, very special, piece of History was made yesterday. I watched as the House of Representatives,…
Advancing the BLM agenda and queerness appear to be core values within Disney in 2023. How did it come to this? Would Walt Disney approve of what his company has become?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
In the USA, there is no guarantee that the person who left home will return safely in the evening. Thanks…