Today Donald J Trump will announce that he is running for Re-Election to the office of President of the United States of America.
If you listen to ANY “News” outlet, ANY Pundit on either side of the aisle the consensus of what you will hear is “Move on Donald your time is done”.

If however you ask any of the over 70 MILLION people who voted for him in the last election they’re all screaming “RUN DONALD RUN!” It could be due to the ripped off feeling that our current Government is providing us, the malaise and despair, it could just be the fact that the price of fuel keeps floating between double and tripple what it was 2 years, or it could very well be that we just love to watch a damn good fight.
If however you ask any of the over 70 MILLION people who voted for him in the last election they’re all screaming “RUN DONALD RUN!” It could be due to the ripped off feeling that our current Government is providing us, the malaise and despair, it could just be the fact that the price of fuel keeps floating between double and tripple what it was 2 years, or it could very well be that we just love to watch a damn good fight.
That is what next two years are going to be, a political Donnybrook on all sides of the American Spectrum. Politicians will be at each others throats, Democrat’s as well as Republican’s, from this day until the Election and I am sure long after the election is done. Everyone will be screaming or whining over who to run, how they should run, how Trump’s run can be stopped. None of the establishment want this fight. They have done everything to stop it, and will continue to do so. No matter the cost to the country. They have already destroyed the confidence of the American people in our voting system. No matter what the talking heads say on TV and Radio nobody believes the vote is legitimate anymore.
As I write this I’m watching Fox News the night before Trump’s announcement listening to those that are supposedly voices for the Conservative Right say how Trump running “is a mistake that no one wants”. These voices though speak only for the INSIDE THE BELTWAY RINO’S & NEVER TRUMPERS, and the money backing influence peddlers. They may speak as “pundits”, but they are not pundits for the base of the Party, they speak for themselves, the elites, The Swamp. This is a sample of what they are afraid of….
A Statement from inside the Trump camp.
“The media, the corporate elites, and political establishment has all moved in unison against Donald Trump at their own peril. It’s like they want to recreate 2015-2016. Let them. We are doing it again. Buckle up”
Trump has invited many of the key figures in the Congress & GOP to his announcement. It will be interesting to see who is there, but more important who is not, either by design or decline. The center ring is about to be lit up on the real Greatest Show on Earth. Let the show begin, and like the Trump insider said “Buckle Up” because this is not going to be politics for the faint of heart.
One more thing needs to be addressed: the still being counted Mid-Term election. People are looking for someone to blame, others are looking to sow division. The Mid-Terms showed that none of the flaws in the voting system have been fixed. The Mid-Terms have deepened the distrust in the system, but on the high historical note… Jimmy Carter’s Mid-Term was supposed to be a giant “Red-Wave” that also never manifested, so Carter’s disastrous policies continued their destruction, which led us to Ronald Reagan.
May History Repeat Itself.
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