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I guess Irish singer Christy Moore captured an image of rural Ireland in the great song called “Lisdoonvarna” from an album that I bought way back in 1984!
Turns out it was but a fleeting image
Let’s just put things in context.
Lisdoonvarna is a tiny spa town in County Clare in Ireland. The town is famous for its music and festivals. Although the music festival was discontinued in the 1980s, Lisdoonvarna still hosts its annual matchmaking festival each September. The population is around 1000.
But things have changed. Lisdoonvarna locals (95% Irish population) voted overwhelmingly to OPPOSE Irish Government plans to turn their local Hotel into a migrant centre. The Government ignored them and proceeded to place Ukrainians and other “refugees” in this tiny Irish town.
The result? It is now 36% Irish. The Irish in Lisdoonvarna are a MINORITY.
And the same thing is happening across Ireland as the Irish Government subverts the wishes of the Irish people using mass migration as the preferred method.
Ireland is being overrun with immigrants and the population has gone from 94% Irish to 80% Irish in 20 years.
Give it another twenty year and the Irish will be a MINORITY in their own country.
This is the dirty little secret that the Irish Political-Media class do NOT want discussed on the international stage – which is precisely what Conor McGregor did on 17th March in the White House of all places!
His forthright explanation of what is happening has TRIGGERED the Irish political-media elite who have embarked on a campaign to demonise McGregor. They do not want you seeing what Dublin looks like in 2025.
Ireland has been invaded but this time round it is the globalist scum in Government-Media that have facilitated the invasion against the Irish people. Worse still, the media has conditioned the Irish people to VOTE for their own destruction and that’s exactly what we saw at the recent election.
Conor McGregor may be a flawed person but he has more integrity than ALL the rancid politicians sitting in the Irish Parliament.
Back to the song…
“I like the music and the open air,
So every Summer I go to Clare.
Coz Woodstock, Knock nor the Feast of Cana,
Can hold a match to Lisdoonvarna.”
Lisdoonvarna is now a migrant town and soon, Ireland will be a migrant island.
Let that sink in!
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