Predictive Programming.


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I want you to have look at this cover for the latest Time magazine which was published on the 11th September – It’s entitled “In Trouble” …

The question we have to ask ourselves is that given the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on his golf course yesterday, was this just a weird coincidence or a planned co-ordination? Is it possible that this was actually them telling us what was going to happen? Was this predictive programming? Did Time have insider knowledge of what was going to happen?

We know that predictive programming is one of the favourite methods the Deep State uses to tells us what is coming. I am always reminded of the 2011 movie “Contagion” which anticipated a killer virus.

“Beth returns home from Hong Kong and dies of a mysterious infection, which also kills her young son. But, her husband Mitch seems immune. Soon, the deadly infection turns into a worldwide epidemic.”

Cough cough.

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