WASPI women betrayed!
Labour MPs have consistently supported WASPI women in their campaign to get some compensation following pension changes. WASPI women were…
A very British Revolution?
This single image should strike real FEAR into the rotten heart of the British political establishment.
Zelenksy banned from Trump Inaugeration!
Donald Trump has made it clear that Ukrainian President Zelensky is NOT invited to his Inaugeration. Further, he has said…
Trudeau to go?
Following the resignation of his Deputy Prime Minister Chrsytia Freeland over how to respond to looming Trump tariffs, is the…
Syrian moderation?
Trying to pretend that the rise of Al Queda 2.0 in Syria is a victory for ”moderation” is pure gaslighting!…
Is Home Schooling for the axe?
It seems to me entirely understandable that at least some parents may wish to home school their children in order to protect them from the tender mercies of the Woke State.
Ireland vs Israel – who will win!
Israel closes its Embassy in Dublin accusing the Irish Government of extreme hostility and indeed anti-Semitism. Ireland responds by doubling…
Humza Resigns!
The bells will surely be ringing out across Scotland as people wake up to the cheerful news that former SNP Leader Humza Yousaf is stepping down entirely from the SNP in 2026.
The end for local democracy?
There are local Council Elections planned for 1st May 2021 when all 21 county councils in England and ten unitary authorities in England will be up for election.