When Obama popped out of nowhere to take the media world by storm and achieve a collection of awards and accolades while not really doing anything but promoting wars, I was perplexed at how many people were praising his amazing oratory skills. To me he was merely trotting out woke, word salad waffle that had absolutely no substance to it and was pretty dull.

He was clearly an empty suit with no substantial experience, who was ushered along a PR conveyor belt to power. So what baffles me is why people like Alex Jones are saying that Obama is still running the White House. It’s obviously not Biden, but why would it be Obama, especially since Nuland, Yellen, Garland and Klein have more than enough experience to keep this show on the road? I can see Obama as an asset out front in the public, but not as a behind the scenes string puller.
The concept of Obama running the White House has two purposes:
1. It implies that politicians have real power.
2. It keeps people stuck in the Democrat versus Republican mindset, rather than following the money.
So, now let’s look into his past and we’ll find that he’s a little bit of a fiction.
Firstly, a researcher was looking for old school magazines from Obama’s mother’s Seattle school in order to investigate her past, only to get this response.
“Are you looking for something on President Obama’s mother?
*Well, don’t bother coming over, because you’re not going to find anything.
*Why is that?
*A few years ago, just before the Obama campaign got started, before most people knew who he was, someone came here and asked to look at those yearbooks. Unfortunately, we let them. And they took off with them and never brought the books back…and we think we know who she is, and that’s all we’re going to say about it.”
His mother, Stanley Anne Dunham was a CIA asset who was recruited by a number of intelligence agencies in the 1950’s, for the purpose of infiltrating black nationalists and the civil rights organizations like Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, or perhaps even running and steering these movements.
His real father, Frank Marshall Davis, was a member and founder of Chicago’s Communist Party, who had to flee to Hawaii because it was getting a little tense in Chicago.
Often his mother is portrayed as a cash strapped, single, divorced woman, however during Obama’s formative years, she travelled to thirteen different countries and worked for two CIA “front” companies. In Jakarta, she worked at the Ford Foundation under Peter Geithner (the father of Tim Geithner, the former Treasury Secretary of the United States). So, we see she’s no ordinary single mom.
According to Pastor James David Manning, Obama was recruited into the CIA during his time at Occidental College in California, ostensibly because the CIA wanted a recruit who had experience of living in different countries, including Muslim countries like Indonesia. He was transferred to Columbia University, where it’s possible he was schooled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was an expert on Russia, a CIA associate and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. Brzezinski is one of the key architects of recent geopolitical policy, he wrote one of the most notable books on geopolitics called “The Grand Chessboard” (an update on the Halford Mackinder Geo political pivot of history) a blueprint for the current Ukraine conflict and Afghanistan.
In 1981 and 1982, Obama travelled between Pakistan and Russia. Obama claims that when he arrived in New York City, he was so poor that he didn’t have enough money to even get a room. Yet, here he is traveling from the U.S. to Pakistan to Russia.
During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama, for the first time in his life, actually acknowledged that he had gone to Pakistan in 1981, even though in his two autobiographies (he already had two in 2008, they really worked hard at constructing this guy) he never mentioned that he had gone to Pakistan.
However, here’s the rub, there is absolutely no evidence that Barack Obama was ever at Columbia University [between 1981-1983.] There’s no transcript, no yearbook accounts, no work records, no housing records, no friends, no associates. A talk show host Wayne Allen Wrote wrote that he interviewed 400 people in Obama’s graduating class and he couldn’t find a single person that knew Obama, saw him, or remembered him there at Columbia University. All of his college records at Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard been sealed and not released. If he wasn’t at Columbia for those three years, where was he? Wayne Allen Root has offered a one million dollar reward for information confirming BO was at Columbia, it’s not been claimed. If he’s wasn’t at Columbia, on what basis was he accepted to Harvard?
Obama also worked as a consultant for a company called Business International Corporation, another CIA front, but again in his autobiographies, be does not mention this as his first real job. Why?
When he traveled to Pakistan in 1981, Pakistan was under martial law and there was a ban on people traveling from the U.S. to Pakistan. How did circumvent the travel ban. He didn’t have a U.S. passport, but used an Indonesian passport.
Barack Obama’s highest paid real job was as a community organizer. Although he was a Senator, that was set up for him, and the way paved.
When he travelled to Pakistan, he met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, with the leader of the Northern Command, with ex-Soviet war veterans, with the people from the Mujahideen. Now why is a 20-year old kid, meeting with some of the most important people in this war at this time? Apparently he stayed with a man named Mohamadian Sumra, who was the interim Prime Minister of Pakistan, who is also tied in with BCCI, which is probably the biggest, dirtiest (CIA) banking scandal of all time.
So to summarize, a college kid, with no money (according to him), is traveling halfway around the world to meet with high profile people in Pakistan and Afghanistan, including Russians.
Barack Obama has used a “stolen’ Social Security number most of his adult life. The one he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone living in Connecticut, born in 1890, now long deceased. Obama was fifteen years old on that date living in Hawaii and playing junior varsity basketball. This SSN information was included in a memoir, “The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama.” Apparently, Obama violated federal law by using a phony number, as according to the United States Code: “Identity theft laws under 18 U.S.C §1028 makes it a crime to misuse someone’s identifying information.” Obama should have a Hawaiian Social Security number like his half-sister, Maya, which would start with the numbers 575 or 576. He claimed he worked at Baskin-Robbins when he was fifteen, which would have required a Social Security number. Obama has a number starting with 042, exclusively for the use of Connecticut residents, and which appeared on his 2009 tax return, as someone forgot to remove the number.
From 1936 until June 2011, Social Security numbers were assigned by the address on the SS-5 form used on the application. Under Obama, the law was changed to randomize where the applicant was living when he applied.
So, is Obama who we think he is?
Is it he running the White House or is this a limited hangout theory like Wuhan?
While we’re at it, is Sven Goran Erikson still secretly managing England?
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