Moloch Worship in Chicago


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Well, the DNC Convention in Chicago has proven to be the absolute freak show that we all expected and no one can be that surprised. However the thing that struck me most so far was the celebration of depopulation control that the Democrats seem to worship. Planned Parenthood has sent a mobile vasectomy and abortion bus to the Convention so that such motivated delegates can erase their fertility and kill their babies. They have taken the term “healthcare” and upended it of any meaning – it is now quite simply a Death cult.

My question is – how do they get away with this? The answer is because we live in a Moloch worshipping world in 2024. Abortion rights are a dominant theme in the Harris-Walz campaign despite Donald Trump taking a moderate approach on this issue in harmony with the Supreme Court decision and saying that this is a matter for the State in which you live. That’s not enough for radical pro-death cultists in the Democrats who want to see Roe VS Wade restored and access to Abortion on demand everywhere. Abortion up to and indeed beyond point of birth.

Maybe it has always been like this throughout human history?

But check this out as a further indication of the depravity on display in Chicago.

Got that, “Freeda Womb” so women can have as much sex as possible but presumably with infertile men as the last thing they want is a baby?

The Democrats are so messed. They deserve Kamala (emphasis on “ala”) to be their champion.

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