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Matt Gaetz cutting off your nose to spite your face

Gaetz has forced the ouster of Keven McCarthy, let’s take a good look at what is really going on here.

There are so many Opera’s playing out here that need a solid review, let me try and put a few of them in perspective for you. The firing of McCarthy is Historical, no Speaker had ever been fired before. That alone makes this an event that should garner your attention.

Was this the right move at the right time? That is the important question, and on it I am of two minds. First I believe it was the right move, but second I think the timing is wrong.

The firing was right because no Continuing Resolution should have been passed, period. The Government for the past 20 years or so has been funded by CRs. CRs are a Government Ponzi scheme that never addresses the budget, but instead just allows our career Politicians to continue to spend like drunken sailors while passing the job of Governing to the bureaucrats. Which is not where governing should be run from.

As for Keven McCarthy here too I am torn. Before this session of Congress McCarthy was a major part of the problem. He and Ryan sabotaged as much of Trump’s agenda as they possibly could. They were both poster boys for RINO’s. They wasted the two years the Republican Party had when they had complete control of The House, Senate, and White House. For that they both should have been driven from office.

However since the sitting of this House McCarthy has done a magnificent job, to say otherwise is a dismissal of the facts. That was the case right up until the Continuing Resolution then his RINO reemerged causing the death of his Speakership.

Now as for Matt Gaetz the hated man with the Elvis haircut. Gaetz is the model every Politician should follow. He believes in following the rules of the Constitution and how the rules and laws are written to conduct the business of the House. Not a very popular piece of ground to hold, a position that is guaranteed to make you many enemies. Right or Wrong in his position he presents it right in your face. That is supposed to be how it’s done. In this situation Gaetz position was the wrong one. Not for doing what he did nor the reason why, but the timing was just plain stupid.

The real problem the Republicans have are the Republicans. Those that hold office in the Republican party are a pack of inept gits that have never understood how to wield their power more important they have never shown any aptitude in delivering their message. What they stand for, why they stand for it, and how they want to deliver it.

Their has been with only rare exception a severe lack of spine to speak truth to power in the party. In my lifetime we have only had 3 exceptions to that rule, President Reagan, Speaker Gingrich, and President Trump. Other than those 3 none have had the testicular fortitude to confront the press and force their message out to the people. Each of them did, and each have been persecuted for doing so. Yet all 3 achieved great things because they had the nerve to stand in the line of fire with only common sense as their shield.

Gaetz cutting the nose off the face of the party for spite was done for good reason, but a wasted exercise that could have waited till a better time. This Republican house has absolutely no power to achieve anything of substance. By Law they should, the power of the purse controls everything and that is their power alone. They were prevented any ability to use that power in their first year thanks to the Betrayal of the scumbag career grifter in the Senate Mitch (the turtle) McConnel and the other career grifter the San Francisco seahag Nancy Pelosi. Those two conspired and passed a Budget for the Congress that was about to be sworn in where the balance of power shifted. That also had never been done in American History. The so called Republican Leader in the Senate sabotaged the incoming Republican House. They made sure the in coming House was powerless to halt any of the economic nightmare they caused for this Houses first year.

With that castration before they even started combined with a Democrat controlled Senate and Presidency not one Bill of significance could be passed, none has and none will be before the next Presidential Election.

The one and only thing this House has had the ability and been tasked to do is expose the corruption of President Biden. They are failing at it miserably, they have found plenty that should be exposed to the public, but their lack of testicular fortitude has prevented them from delivering that information to the public. They have not forced the information down the MSM throat which absolutely must be done.

Matt Gaetz instead of grandstanding flaunting his principals in a fashion that achieves nothing except chaos, he would be better employed at the job of bringing the evidence into the public view. The Republican can’t deliver a message, it lacks leadership that will use those in it’s toolbox to deliver the message. Instead they cannibalize themselves allowing the MSM to use them as the news instead of the actual news of the disaster that is the Biden Administration.

In conclusion I love ya Matt, but your wasting your powder shooting at the wrong targets.

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