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Margaret Sullivan is Nutz…. Let’s Fisk Her Idiocy

The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault

Margaret Sullivan

The Media is at fault for not doing their job. Their “Job” is to inform. To present the facts so that people can make informed decisions based on reality. The “Press” no longer present facts, they present their spin while actively hiding facts.

With democracy in the balance, the press must relay the crucial importance of this election and the dangers of a Trump win.

The Trump Presidency was a period of economic boom, with record breaking employment rates in every category especially Minority employment.

Whatever doubts you may have about public-opinion polls, one recent example should not be dismissed.

Yes, that poll – the one from Siena College and the New York Times that sent chills down many a spine. It showed Donald Trump winning the presidential election by significant margins over Joe Biden in several swing states, the places most likely to decide the presidential election next year.

This shrew is having kittens THE PEOPLE are choosing Trump over Biden she is aghast. We have a so called “Journalist” motivated by her own politics to chastise others in her industry for not spinning and propagandizing the Biden Presidency enough, or not creating a bad enough pile of spinning propaganda against Trump to sway the people. So much for presenting facts for the people to decide.

The poll, of course, is only one snapshot and it has been criticized, but it still tells a cautionary tale – especially when paired with the certainty that Trump, if elected, will quickly move toward making the United States an authoritarian regime.

She accuses Trump of authoritarianism citing no examples. Somehow she ignores the fact that the Biden Administration just sentenced a man to 10yrs for tweeting a meme about Hillary. That the Biden Regime has engaged with the FBI and every Media Platform to squash and censor Free Speech under the guise of “Misinformation” whether what was being said was true or not. If it does not match the Democrat narrative it was censored. Please see the “Twitter Files” as example. Add to that the Biden Administration sending the IRS to Matt Taibbi’s home as he was testifying in front of Congress about the Government censorship.

Add in Biden’s low approval ratings, despite his accomplishments, and you come to an unavoidable conclusion: the news media needs to do its job better.

Please name one accomplishment of the Biden Presidency, the rest of us would like to know what they are.

The press must get across to American citizens the crucial importance of this election and the dangers of a Trump win. They don’t need to surrender their journalistic independence to do so or be “in the tank” for Biden or anyone else.

The Press must lie, propagandize, and print falsehoods about Trump, but that doesn’t jeopardize “their journalistic independence” or mean they are “in the tank”. We all know lies and Propaganda that achieves the lefts political goals is perfectly legitimate “Journalism”.

It’s now clearer than ever that Trump, if elected, will use the federal government to go after his political rivals and critics, even deploying the military toward that end. His allies are hatching plans to invoke the Insurrection Act on day one.

Once again this shrew ignores the fact that everything she fears Trump will do the Biden Regime is already doing on a daily basis.

The US then “would resemble a banana republic”, a University of Virginia law professor told the Washington Post when it revealed these schemes. Almost as troubling, two New York Times stories outlined Trump’s autocratic plans to put loyal lawyers in key posts and limit the independence of federal agencies.

She cites the two biggest propaganda rags in the United States to back her insanity. The two papers who for 7 years has promoted a story they knew was false that Trump Colluded with Russians. The whole time both these “Papers” knew it was a Hillary disinformation op, yet they pushed these falsehoods to promote the politics they support. Certainly the reporting of facts for the people to decide. Both papers continue with these lies today.

The press generally is not doing an adequate job of communicating those realities.

The Press hasn’t been reporting honest facts on anything in decades. They’ve been making up lies to shape reality the way they want it viewed, not the reality of facts.

Instead, journalists have emphasized Joe Biden’s age and Trump’s “freewheeling” style. They blame the public’s attitudes on “polarization”, as if they themselves have no role. And, of course, they make the election about the horse race – rather than what would happen a few lengths after the finish line.

The Press’s role is to report facts. Facts and the truth so that the people can make informed decisions. Ms. Sullivan is advocating for the press to double down on the lies and propaganda they are already spreading.

Here’s what must be hammered home: Trump cannot be re-elected if you want the United States to be a place where elections decide outcomes, where voting rights matter, and where politicians don’t baselessly prosecute their adversaries.

All the things that the Democrats have been doing for a decade and the Biden Regime is doing on steroids.

When Americans do understand how politics affects their lives, they vote accordingly. We have seen that play out with respect to abortion rights in Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin and beyond. On that issue, voters clearly get that well-established rights have been ripped away, and they have reacted with force.

No when the Press lies and propagandizes enough it can influence. The push to kill babies right up to the day of birth is a perfect example. They have proven propagandizing enough can convince people that if you can’t murder the unborn right up to birth that they are losing a “Right”.

“Women don’t want to die for Mike Johnson’s religious beliefs,” as Vanity Fair’s Molly Jong-Fast said on MSNBC, referring to the theocratic House speaker.

She can’t even help herself from lying and propagandizing in her plea to her fellow “Journalists”. “Women don’t want to die for Mike Johnson’s religious beliefs,” that is both a lie, pure propaganda, and fearmongering.

Abortion rights is a visceral issue. It’s personal and immediate.

The perfect subject to lie and propagandize about.

Trump’s threats to democracy? That’s a harder story to tell. Harder than “Joe Biden is old”. Harder than: “Gosh, America is so polarized.”

Simply because there is no truth in it, no facts to back that statement up.

Journalists need to figure out a way to communicate it – clearly and memorably.

Lie better, propagandize better.

It was great to see the digging that went into that Washington Post story about Trump and his allies plotting a post-election power grab. But it was all too telling to see this wording in its subhead: “Critics have called the ideas under consideration dangerous and unconstitutional.”

Yes Pravda would be proud of their well crafted propaganda.

So others think it’s fine, right? That suggests that both sides have a valid point of view on whether democracy matters.

Deploying the military to crush protests is radical. So is putting your cronies and yes men in charge of justice. These moves would sound a death knell for American democracy. They are not just another illustration of Trump’s “brash” personality.

Trump never deployed troops against protestors, but Eisenhower did to stop the Democrat protests against integration of Schools and the advance of Civil Rights. Somehow our Republic survived that.

We need a lot more stories like the ones the Post and the Times did – not just in these elite, paywalled outlets but on the nightly news, on cable TV, in local newspapers and on radio broadcasts. We need a lot less pussyfooting in the wording.

Lie more, propagandize better, spread the lies and propaganda as far as you can.

Every news organization should be reporting on this with far more vigor – and repetition – than they do about Biden being 80 years old.

It’s the media’s responsibility to grab American voters by the lapels, not just to nod to the topic politely from time to time.

She promotes that the priority of the “Press” is to create the most outlandish lies and propaganda they can to scare people into supporting the political agenda she supports.

Polls can be wrong, and it’s foolish to overstate their importance, especially a year away from the election, but if more citizens truly understood the stakes, there would be no real contest between these candidates.

She pleas they have a year to craft their lies and propaganda to achieve the destruction of their political opposition.

The Guardian’s David Smith laid out the contrast: “Since Biden took office the US economy has added a record 14m jobs while his list of legislative accomplishments has earned comparisons with those of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson … Trump, meanwhile, is facing 91 criminal indictments in Atlanta, Miami, New York and Washington DC, some of which relate to an attempt to overthrow the US government.”

Once again she doesn’t give an example of Biden’s Legislative accomplishments, simply because they don’t exist. While she does cite the attacks on Biden’s Political Opponent where the Democrats have weaponized the Justice system to commit false charges against Trump. Ms. Sullivan has no problem with the fascist authoritarian use of the courts against Biden’s political opponent. She only fears and lies that Trump will do the same to Democrats.

So what can the press do differently? Here are a few suggestions.

Report more – much more – about what Trump would do, post-election. Ask voters directly whether they are comfortable with those plans, and report on that. Display these stories prominently, and then do it again soon.

Lie, Lie Lie, Spin, Spin, Spin, create false fear to sway the masses is her cry to battle.

Use direct language, not couched in scaredy-cat false equivalence, about the dangers of a second Trump presidency.

Make your lies and propaganda more outrageous.

Pin down Republicans about whether they support Trump’s lies and autocratic plans, as ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos did in grilling the House majority leader Steve Scalise about whether the 2020 election was stolen. He pushed relentlessly, finally saying: “I just want an answer to the question, yes or no?” When Scalise kept sidestepping, Stephanopoulos soon cut off the interview.

Use INTIMIDATION and SHAME to give their lies weight.

Those ideas are just a start. Newsroom leaders should be getting their staffs together to brainstorm how to do it. Right now.

With the election less than a year away, there’s no time to waste in getting the truth across.

Gather your people in every press room to organize and coordinate the lies, propaganda, and fearmongering, the people must never know the facts. They must only be given the spin to advance the Democrat Party agenda.

Margaret Sullivan is the poster child for everything that is wrong with the MSM. A political hack, liar, and propagandist begging her pears to join her in the lies, propaganda, and fearmongering to advance the political agenda she has chosen for you.

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