As Bo Didley once said to Eric Burdon “That is the biggest load of rubbish I’ve ever heard in my life”. I’m sorry, but that was the line that kept echoing in my head as I listened to sweet Kamala lay out “our” future under her leadership.
I don’t know maybe it’s the way she always starts her spiels by talking to her audience the way a kindergarten teacher speaks to her room full of children when she wants them to pay attention tone. That is then followed by what can only be described as a deceitful load of crap against her opponent, mixed with her Marxist ignorance of how a capitalist society works, and America is a capitalist society.
Her unelected majesties plan is to seize control of both the grocery and housing market’s. They will both be run by the Federal Government’s rules, standards, under their tutelage. Starting with a $25,000 Federal Check for first time home buyers. While at the same time the Government will build “Affordable Housing Projects” for the “Middle Class”.
Put aside the fact that a President can not initiate any national spending program. That hasn’t stopped Biden from doing so, even with rulings against him by the Supreme Court. Why would the coronated Harris believe it to be beyond what she can demand. She has after all been chosen for the job, has she not?
Never mind the Trillions of Dollars of National Debt this will cost the tax payer? She ignores the bottom line problem with our economy, as she lies about Trump not having the answer to the problem. The problem with the economy is directly due to the Biden/Harris attack on Fossil Fuel. Their direct attack on Gas and Oil is the cause of everything. Trumps whole plan to fix everything is the one thing she not only will never say, but could never bring herself to do “Drill Baby Drill”. The U.S. has more fuel than the rest of the world combined. It is our real power.
Harris is a true believer in the Green Cult, she is one of it’s High Priestesses. Ms. Harris was the deciding vote on the “Inflation Reduction Act” which caused the inflation while it delivered the first part of the Green New Deal. Her dream is to go forward with taking away every American’s gas vehicle. You will drive a Chinese Battery Powered EV, or you just won’t drive. It will already be illegal to purchase one in 7yrs in 12 States.
Kamala is a Kalifornia Kommie, she can’t help herself.
I give you the “Chosen One” in her own words….
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