Is Biden dead?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I may as well come out and ask the question many others are thinking;

Is Joe Biden dead?

As you know, “he” suddenly announced his withdrawal from the race to seek Democrat nomination for the Presidency when the following letter was posted to X (Twitter) with a digital signature.

There are several oddities about this.

For starters, he doesn’t explain WHY he has withdrawn but I guess death might be a plausible excuse! There has been some speculation about the actual signature specimen but to be fair people do vary in how they sign so I wouldn’t read too much into that. He also doesn’t explain WHY he can’t speak to the Nation right now? We know he has been holed up in his beachside mansion with “Covid” – but we are also told it was “mild” – so why could be not simply talk to the Nation via link from his own home? We also wonder why 24 hours before withdrawing he insisted he was staying. What changed?

There is the further curiosity that in his letter “he” insists that he will remain as President even though he declares himself unfit to be Presidential nominee. How does that one work?

Whether Biden is in the land of the living or not, his political career is most definitely deceased! But the silence from the Biden camp is eerie!


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