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If you want to help the suffering

One of the benefits of the Internet is that you can reach millions of people. My hope is this reaches as many as possible. People are in need.

I have a friend that tries to bring hope to misery wherever there is suffering in the world. He has done, and continues to do great works, works worthy of our support. His current Mission is Israel, his charity is not just for the suffering of Israel. Israel however is where help is needed most at this point in time. Let me share with you some of what he has shared with me.

Dear Patrick,

I let my best friend fly to Israel on faith that we could raise funds to support our humanitarian work there. Aaron Cohen took a one-way flight to Israel and is committed to making a difference on the ground, but we need our friends and family to help us get this done.

We need your help now.

Go to our website to donate

Follow Aaron’s Instagram here: @aharon777

100% of our money goes to help Israel

Our nonstop humanitarian program is running in full time crisis mode. Since the October 7th massacre on Day 1, we have been providing services to the victims and their families, and to the hospitals with our first responders. We are supporting displaced families, providing food, water, medicine, and housing.

By today, there are nearly 300,000 internally displaced people in Israel. As major areas of the south and the north have been evacuated, and as countless buildings ravaged by missile attacks continue to collapse throughout the county, we are acting. The amount of people internally displaced represents nearly 4% of the population of the country. And they are increasing.

Currently, we have a comprehensive on the ground operational program in Israel and fundraising in the United States. Supplies are distributed with our vehicles and handling companies from the ports of entry and the airport, bringing all kinds of humanitarian aid to vulnerable Israelis.

Our distribution system is helping third party donors like the Governor of Florida and the Rotary Club get their cargo where it needs to go. The supplies are being transported to both civilian and military hospitals, but this is not enough. We are establishing a large operational center for joint operations command in Tel Aviv, as we continue the logistics work at the major shipping and container ports in Haifa and Ashdod and at the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. To date, we have distributed many tons of humanitarian aid, but just as quickly as we fill bodegas and warehouses, they are emptied. The shortage of handling companies and cargo trucks at the airport and harbors continues to be costly, so there’s a need to expand our trucking and handling capabilities, especially regarding lifesaving medical and surgical equipment being distributed to trauma centers in hospitals throughout the country.

We need the help business owners, corporate executives, media influencers, and event organizers who stand with Israel to come to our aid.  Our programs are running at full speed on Day 25 of the war. Please join with us in the weeks and months to come by pledging your monthly donation today on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.

Thank you,

James Rice



The Following is an update on the work James, and his organization have been accomplishing, that they continue to accomplish with aid to those that are suffering around the world as he has done with both Abolish Slavery and Ukraine Disaster Relief before now.

Impact Report

Our programs are running at full speed. Please join with us in the weeks and months to come by pledging your monthly donation today on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people.

Given the overwhelming numbers of people who need help, it’s urgent to bring essential support now. Please give a direct donation to our programs on the ground in Israel with: 

Venmo: @Support-Israel

Make a tax deductible donation with a credit card or with PayPal on the website:

For larger donations, please ask for the wiring instructions. Thank you for passing this direct message forward to any influencers as well. 

Never Again is Now!

The team you trust from Abolish Slavery and Ukraine Disaster Relief are now in Israel. The team is working on the ground now delivering food and medicine. Just like in Ukraine, we are one of the first to arrive. And, we are on the front line of the war.

We are working with families of the captured, rescue task forces already there, the IDF, and the families of the deceased. Aaron is arranging a warehouse, convoy teams, and access points into the most affected area of southern Israel today.

Given the overwhelming numbers of people who need food, water, and medicine, it’s urgent to bring this aid. But we need your help, too.

You can make a tax deductible donation thru our website: our Venmo account is: @Support-Israel

I need all of my friends to help in any way you can. $250 from everyone I know would let our charity deliver aid for a whole month.

This crisis is literally Biblical. None of us draw a salary. All the donations go straight to the Israeli cause. Please click the link to our website and see what you can do. For larger donations, call me about wire instructions.

Thank you,

James Rice




Personal Email

Personal Mobile +1-737-710-8418

Please, if there is anything that you, your family, friends, or Business can do to help contribute to this worthy cause I beg and pray for you to do so. Thank you.

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