How to stop illegal migration – for dummies



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

If you are a left wing Government (or “progressive” in their coded in the know vocabulary) and you are faced with the thorny issue of illegal migration, it is a tough one for you. Naturally you favour as many migrants as possible coming here (and overwhelming all our public services is but a minor price to be paid for such) BUT the problem is that a decent section of the electorate is unhappy about all of this so you have to at least PRETEND to do something. What do to?

Simple – redefine it. That’s exactly what Labour is doing. They are now using the term “irregular migration” to firstly remove the idea that it is actually, y’know, ILLEGAL to sneak into our country. That’s important because if it is no longer talked about in terms of legal/illegal then the electorate may think it is a bit less critical. But “irregular migration” is much more dangerous than just that because it implies that if the “irregular” element can be “fixed” then we no longer have any problem. And that is their endgame – the sanitisation of the invasion of the United Kingdom followed by rapid demographic change.

Labour will do nothing of substance to stop the legions of migrants coming here but it will play word games to redefine them and to reclassify them. You simply cannot overstate how intent the Deep State is to have unlimited migration but they will look to Labour to make sure it has the impression of being orderly. That’s the main thing.

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