Grenfell Tower Fire – the unspoken lessons


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

The UK media is absolutely replete with coverage of the Grenfell Tower fire report that came out yesterday. We read that;

The Grenfell fire was caused by the “systematic dishonesty” of construction companies that manufactured cladding for the tower block’s refurbishment, a seven-year public inquiry has concluded. Sir Martin Moore-Bick, the inquiry chairman, also placed blame for the fatal inferno on “decades of failure” by government ministers and officials who ignored a series of warnings over the risk of cladding fires.

Basically everyone is to blame and PM Starmer then issued a public apology saying that “the country failed its most fundamental duty to protect those affected by fire” Is that a bit like the country failed its most fundamental duty to protect those slaughtered in Southport, Sir Keir?

Now before we go any further into this, it seems right to acknowledge that this was indeed a terrible event and a tragedy that so many lives were lost in the inferno. But it seems to me that there are a few elephants in the room that the media aren’t so keen to discuss.

For starters, there were a considerable number of illegal migrants living in this tower block and several of them perished. Did no one in authority check the status of those living in their block? Will there be prosecutions against their absolute administrative failure? Have measures been taken to stop a re-occurrence of this? You know the answer as well as I do – of course not.

As the Left wing media spins it;

“Undocumented migrants (euphemism) and illegal subtenants who survived the Grenfell Tower blaze may be unaccounted for and are not seeking state support due to fears over their immigration and housing status, charities and legal experts have warned. Underreporting of illegal subtenants could also mean the death toll is higher than assumed, it is feared.”

If we prevented people entering our country illegally and then stopped enabling them to possess public property then we would have saved lives but this is casually dismissed by the elite as way too radical a thought.

How did this fire start? Well…

On June 14, 2017, a fire broke at the high-rise Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, West London. What began as a standard electrical fire caused by a faulty fridge soon became the worst structural fire in Britain since the Blitz during WWII.

As fire ripped up the side of the massive building, overwhelming fire crew at the scene, residents scrambled to survive. The fire began in the middle of the night, just before 1am, meaning many were still sleeping as the flames approached.

So, it was a faulty fridge in essence that triggered the disaster.

The man who lived in the flat where the Grenfell Tower fire started has been cleared of any blame by the inquiry into the disaster. Sir Martin Moore-Bick exonerated Behailu Kebede, who was offered police protection after false reports of his culpability circulated online.

The retired judge said the resident, who lived in flat 16, bore no blame for the fire, which he found started in a faulty fridge-freezer in his home.

‘I consider the cause and origin of the fire and find that it was started by an electrical fault in a large fridge-freezer in the kitchen of Flat 16, for which Behailu Kebede bears no blame,’ Sir Martin wrote.

I can understand this up to a point, it is clearly not Kebede’s fault that his fridge caught fire. Did he notice the flames and the heat? What action did he take? Did he phone 999?? Had he a fire alarm in place, for example? If not, why not?

Sir Martin will hear none of this.

‘On the contrary, he did exactly what a responsible person might be expected to do in the circumstances and his presence of mind in switching off the electricity as he left the flat enabled important evidence to be gathered about the origin of the fire.’

There is something about this Grenfell Tower Report which sits uneasily with me. I absolutely accept the horror of the Fire and lament the deaths of all involved and yes, cladding is a real issue that needs looked at. However, ALL Councils must be also held liable for their properties and that includes ensuring that no illegal migrants live in such without full documentation and explanation. Why is this not an issue?

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