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Globalists capture Northern Ireland

Let me tell you a story.

Back in 2007, I published a book called “Unionism Decayed” which charted, from my perspective, the moral and political decay of Unionism, from David Trimble to Ian Paisley. Naturally this book was ignored because it did not fit in with the narrative.

17 years later, every word I prophecied has come true, manifest this past week when the Sir (sic) Jeffrey Donaldson DUP went back into Government with IRA/Sinn Fein, pretending that the NI Protocol had been removed and the Irish Sea border. Both these claims are laughably absurd but the media rowed in behind them and whilst there are a handful of dissenting DUP voices, they now sit in junior position to Sinn Fein, colluding in our political destruction.

What happens next? Well, Sinn Fein have grabbed the Economy ministry, the Finance Ministry and the Infrastructure Ministry. The strategy behind this is their declared aim of ENDING Northern Ireland and they will now seek to harmonise a United Ireland. A globalist United Ireland.

None of this could happen without Unionist approval yet that is exactly what has now been delivered up. I believe that the Union is now doomed, irreversibly, and that the same people who trooped into Stormont on Saturday would similarly troop into a Dublin controlled body. Game over.

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Political Unionism is over, with honourable exceptions such as Jim Allister showing resistance to the all Ireland agenda.

For those who are interested, you can read my forecasts from 2007 here. I used to be disgusted with unionist cowards, nowadays they just amuse me.

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