Freeze the Poor (Do they know it’s Christmas time?)


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Never underestimate just how psychopathic Government can be. As an example of this, just consider what Keir Starmer was saying BEFORE the July 4th Election.

Got that. People won’t pay a penny more on their Energy Bills this winter. Now read on…

This is a consequence of Labour axing the Winter Fuel Allowance of £150-£300 for most pensioners and then Ofgen announcing prices will rise by 10% from October and then again in January.

So it’s almost as if the Labour regime wants to kill off our elderly. I mean it’s not as if some elderly folks do not ALREADY die of the cold…

Labour wants to increase this it would appear! You see Pensioners tend to NOT vote for Labour and with good reason so Labour may conclude who cares what happens to this demographic.

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