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Well then, it turns out that I had forgotten that many of those who so joyfully embraced the ENTIRE Covid psyop from masks to social distancing to queuing up to take their 14th bloody booster also embrace the great FLU scam and LOVE being told what do by their local Councils.
Let me take a step back.
Like many other people, I was curious about the anticipated “weather bomb” that was going to hit Edinburgh last night. This was deemed so dangerous that the annual Hogmanay outdoor event was cancelled. When I checked the weather forecast for Edinburgh for last night, it did not seem too bad. Dry, not cold and a bit windy. I spoke to people living in Edinburgh yesterday and THEY said it was just a typical late December day. However, I was told that EVEN BY QUESTIONING the decision of the SNP led Edinburgh Council this was a heresy and proof I was a wild eyed “conspiracy theorist”. Today, it is clear that the anticipated “extreme weather” did not arrive and so I was RIGHT to question the cancellation. However, it seems that I am in a minority. Again.
Moving on from the non-event of the Hogmanay weather bomb, I then turned my attention to the NHS which has, predictably, proven itself utterly useless this holiday period using “Flu” as the excuse for its miserable performance. Here is what I said;
As you can see. I questioned “Flu” and THAT is a cardinal sin. As those of you who follow me know, I do not accept the theory of virology and so I don’t think Flu is what they say it is but EVEN IF IT IS, who in their right mind would go to A&E so they could infect everyone around them, using their own logic? Further, what is the NHS going to do for you and your FLU? I do understand that people can become unwell and associate their sickness with “Flu” but that does not mean that’s what is causing their problem.
Let’s face it, the FLU industry is a very profitable one.
The flu vaccine is available in three different types in the 2024-2025 season: QIVe, QIVc, and QIV-HD. There is also a live nasal flu vaccine, LAIV, which is offered to children over 2 years of age and adolescents
Lovely jubbly. As Dr Robert Malone observes…
“What is happening now with “bird flu” is another psyops campaign being conducted by the administrative/deep state, apparently in partnership with Pharma, against the American people. They know and we know that the “vaccines” being produced will be somewhat ineffective, as all flu “vaccines” are. The government is chasing a rapidly evolving RNA virus with a syringe, just like they did with HIV and C-19.
Gosh, an ineffective vaccine but one that generates huge profits for Big Pharma, ring any bells?
Now let’s move on to that outrageous pro vaccine “community note” attached to my social media post.
Let’s start with the claim in the note “Tens of thousands of people in the UK die each year from Flu”
That is a lie.
Here are a few Government sourced FACTS;
Where are the “tens of thousands” of deaths? Never happened.
The condition called “Flu” is unpleasant and can be dangerous for those with underlying heath conditions BUT it is a blatant lie to claims that the NHS is “overwhelmed by Flu patients”!
Always challenge the narrative.
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