Empty Promises


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

The one thing that you can be sure of is that approx 99.9% of ALL political promises offered up by the Conservative/Labour coalition during this General Election campaign are utterly false. Neither Party has any intention of doing the things that they say that they will do that relates to making your life better. It’s all about sustaining the pathetic the Punch and Judy politics that characterise the Uniparty and which the fake media simply love.

Now they will do many other things that YOU are going to live to regret but only a fool would think that their words have any REAL substance to them beyond cheap political electioneering and rhetoric.

It’s only once you understand that they HATE us and as we saw during Covid would happily see us dead that you appreciate there is zero salvation with either lot. The UK voting system has been rigged using a First Past the Post to sustain this devilish hegemony. The only way out of this is a people’s revolution. We are going to have to smash the Uniparty into million pieces and start again.

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