David Vance SubstackRead More
Well now, how things can change! Just a week ago, Reform leader Nigel Farage was basking in the adulation of X owner Elon Musk, even going so far as to suggest that Musk will provide £££’s to the Reform party in order to help it overturn the Uniparty. There was a consensus in the Reform base that Elon was on side and that all was going well. Then this happened…
72 million views! Yikes. Now this post was not aimed specifically at Nigel Farage but inevitably he was asked by the legacy media about whether he agreed with what Musk said and this is response…
Nigel could not be more clear in his damnation and character assassination of Tommy Robinson. He even added this patronising comment….
And then came the double whammy devastating response from Musk who decided that he could make his own mind up without Nigel’s “explanation”…
and for good measure…
And there you have it. Musk has let the hammer fall on Farage who then scrambled to put together the following response…
What are these “principles” that Farage is claiming to uphold? Some might conclude he desperately wants to be still part of the Establishment that he sometimes rails against and proximity to Tommy Robinson would shatter that.
Either way, things just got awkward.
Is it about NIGEL FARAGE winning the next Election or REFORM winning the next Election?
We stand at the cross roads. Those who were dancing in jubilation last week are suddenly subdued. Reform without Musk support is a weaken proposition. Maybe Musk will give the £££ millions to the Tommy Robinson movement, or UKIP?
Things just changed dramatically!
Views: 82