Covid 19 was the warm up act….


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I don’t know if anyone realises the absolute authoritarian lengths that are being smuggled into new planned legislation to “help protect us” in the event of a further “pandemic”. This is particularly manifest in new draft legislation that is now out for “consultation” with the public before it is passed into law later this month. It affects the part of the world where I live (Northern Ireland) but I’m certain the principles will apply to us all.

It is all buried in plain sight within this legislation but it all boils to the following;

Forced vaccinations, forced de-contamination of people/things ‘suspected’ infected, forced confiscation of property, detention of anyone who resists.

Got that? In other words, they have looked back at what happened in 2020-2022 and are moving to tie up the loose ends. Some of us resisted their evil plans then and we remain pureblood but now that “loop hole” (aka Freedom) will be closed down once this becomes law.

So EVIDENCE of exemption beyond us saying so is the news standard. That means in effect no one will be exempt. Clearly these monsters resent the fact we had that opt out in 2020-2022.

This is medical tyranny and enables the authorities to DETAIN those of us who do not comply in a hospital or other such environment. It plainly states that there is a REQUIREMENT to take “vaccination” – so bodily autonomy is now erased.

It is highly likely that this legislation will pass and then the bomb is ticking. We will look back on 2020-2022 as being not too bad compared to what lies in store. You WILL hold out your arm and let them inject whatever they want into your body or you will be detained and arguably forcefully injected. The Evil never went away, it simply regrouped.


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