US Politics

The Speech That Just Might Have Breached The Wall
I am not a fan of Unions. I have watched Labor Unions destroy companies. I have watched the Teachers Union…

Trying to Kill Democracy
Last night they tried to assassinate Former/Future President Donald Trump at a Rally in Butler Pennsylvania. It was a miracle…

A “BIG BOY” Press Conference. (NOT)
Last night President Biden held a “Big Boy Press Conference” at the wrap up of NATO Conference hosted here in…

America we have a problem
The famous line we heard from Apollo 13 “Houston we have a problem” told us the lives of 3 people…

Full President Biden ABC Interview
To dispel the “Rumors” that Joe is not up to snuff in the mental department after his live debate with…

Immunity of the President Real or Not Real explained
The Supreme Court has ruled on Presidential Immunity you can read the full ruling at that link. Here is a…

The OMG Debate….
If by now you are still unaware of the TrainWreck the world witnessed last night you won’t be by the…

Foreigners are dumb about America, just look at the Guardians David Smith
Mr. Smith is the Washington DC bureau chief of The Guardian a British leftwing rag. Here is his very short Wiki Bio: David…

A.G. Garland Cries & Lies….
The following is an “Opinion” piece written in the propaganda rag the Washington Post by U.S. Attorney General Meritless Garland….

Good Advice From a Sr. Statesman
What to Do About the DOJ | Newt Gingrich The first piece is the flavor of his speech, the full…