Scorched earth economics

Labour will come to power at some point this year and they will inherit an economy that has been (deliberately) levelled by the Conservative Government. History shows us that Labour is always disastrous when put in charge of the Economy so how BAD will things get? Have a listen to this new exclusive Podcast!

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Sunday’s Best.

I can remember a time when Sunday was unlike any other day of the week. In my childhood back in the 1960’s, Sunday was a very quiet day. A day of tranquility. Or boredom. It started with Sunday school in my little village Church and then the main act of Worship. Shops were closed so there was nowhere to go in that regard and petrol stations weren’t the thing that they are these days. So you had to entertain yourself. But how, I mean there wasn’t even the Internet and mobile phones had yet to be invented! Simple, we would go for afternoon walks in the countryside if the weather was clement and if wasn’t then we would just sit around and talk as a family! Sound terrible, right?

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London 1st March

I do hope you will be able to come along to this special event! Laurence and Calvin are two of the most authentic and interesting voices we have and this is your chance to meet them (and me!) David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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The Starbucks dream…

One of the great aspects of Substack I enjoy is that I can write wherever I go. So I’m sitting in a Starbucks on a wet Friday afternoon, and it’s really busy! One of the reasons why it’s so busy is because it’s also half-term and the schools are off and so yes all the mums are out with their kids. Dante never imagined this level of hell!

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The irrelevance of Reform

It’s been interesting to watch the performance of the Reform Party in the Wellingborough and the Kingswood by-elections. In both cases, they came in third place. Both candidates put forward strong candidates in the form of Ben Habib (Wellingborough) and Rupert Lowe (Kingswood) – and they both ran good solid campaigns. Either man would have made a great MP.

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DJ Steve Wright – the final show

Legendary DJ Steve Wright died a few days ago, in slightly mysterious circumstances. If you were young and listened to Radio 1 in the 1980’s you would be very familiar with his work. Let’s talk about his life and death,David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Valentine’s Day thoughts

On a day that is celebrated with declaration of love, flowers and chocolates, let’s take a minute to remember who was Saint Valentine! Put simply, he didn’t really have an easy life and he had a very painful death. He lived in the 3rd century and worked in the Roman Empire, administering to persecuted Christians, of which they were more than a few! He was martyred (to be precise, he was beaten, stoned, beheaded and buried on 14 Feb 269 AD) and his body buried on the Via Flaminia on 14th Feb, which has been observed as the Feast of Saint Valentine (Saint Valentine’s Day) since at least the eighth century.

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