Empty Promises

The one thing that you can be sure of is that approx 99.9% of ALL political promises offered up by the Conservative/Labour coalition during this General Election campaign are utterly false. Neither Party has any intention of doing the things that they say that they will do that relates t

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Death in the Sun.

I am sure you may be aware of the story concerning missing TV Doctor and Newspaper columnist, Dr Michael Mosley. Quick summary; Dr Mosley was on a holiday with his wife on the Greek island of Symi. He was out for lunch with his wife and a few friends. He decided that he would walk back to the house in which he was staying rather than drive to it. And he vanished. Not to be seen again.

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1984 – 75 years on!

The irony is sublime Today, June 8, 2024, marks the 75th anniversary of George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ and it was commemorated by the BBC BBC Radio 4 marked the occasion with a series of special readings by notable actors. The novel, published in 1949, depicts a totalitarian society under the control of ‘Big Brother’ and explores themes of surveillance, manipulation of facts, and the struggle for truth.

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Pooping all over the world!

Well then, he came, he saw but did he poop? Yes, I am talking about the very strange behaviour of US President Joe Biden at the D-Day 80th anniversary today What’s wrong with Biden? Did he think there was an invisible chair there? Why was he rapidly shuffled off-stage by “Dr” Jill? Was this a repeat of *that* Vatican incident? This man is clearly very unwell and it looks more and more that they cannot hide this.

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Princess Catherine – never returning?

I will let the headlines speak for itself. This article from a “source” close to the Royal household claims that Princess Catherine may not want to come back to the Royal front line so we not see her in the ways we did before. This article also talks about the fact that she is using this time away from the media to “reconnect” to Prince William. This suggests that they have been disconnected – which is also at variance to the public narrative.

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Maasai Perspectives!

Meet the new Mayor of Londonderry, Councillor Lilian Seenoi. She is standing second on the Left and was installed as Mayor of that city last night. She was not elected by any citizen of the City actually voting for her and with good reason. She was placed in office by a coalition of Irish Nationalists. She postures as a “refugee” who sought sanctuary in the UK and somehow ended up in Londonderry. I find this hard to believe. She also seems disinterested in the fact that Londonderry is a BRITISH city. That’s a little odd. She is on record as saying that “Black people built Ireland” which is a truly remarkable claim that only a moron would make!

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