Cancer is the new Covid. David Vance

Do you remember HOW they ushered in the age of Covid?

We had frightening (fake) videos from China. We had scare stories about many deaths. We had high profile figures in the UK such as Boris Johnson and the then Prince Charles getting “the Covid” but magically recovering. We had a lockstep media which hyped the problem and demonised anyone who challenged the narrative that as being rapidly established.

Now let’s discuss what is happening with Cancer. Prince Charles has become King Charles and in January it was revealed that he has cancer.

This headline went round the world and just like that, everyone was talking about cancer. We haven’t been told what type of cancer her has nor what form of Chemo he is on but three months on his hair has not fallen out and he seems quite chipper, which is perhaps a little odd?? Here is a headline from today…

Just how quickly does one recover from “cancer’?

Anyway, were that not enough publicity for the Cancer industry, along comes Princess Catherine and after dodging the issue for a few months, she finally revealed that she too has cancer.

This seems remarkably bad luck for the Royal family.

In the aftermath of the Kate announcement, the international media has determined that this is the end of the matter and no more questions will be asked and that she can now vanish from public scrutiny for an extended period. Apparently, only “trolls” still ask questions of her. Media lockstep is now in place. Just like with Covid,

But as in all these situations, we must follow the money!

Wow, that’s such fortunate timing.

It gets better still…

Aren’t we blessed? The two Big Pharma outfits which made billions from the Covid scamdemic are now poised to provide mRNA cancer jabs just at the point where two of the most high profile people on the planet get…cancer.

And if thought THAT was suspicious enough, then please consider this headline.

“Baffled”, you say?

It might seem strange but I think we are living through 2020 all over again, this time cancer is the new covid and Big Pharma has “solutions” all lined up.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Do you remember HOW they ushered in the age of Covid?

We had frightening (fake) videos from China. We had scare stories about many deaths. We had high profile figures in the UK such as Boris Johnson and the then Prince Charles getting “the Covid” but magically recovering. We had a lockstep media which hyped the problem and demonised anyone who challenged the narrative that as being rapidly established.

Now let’s discuss what is happening with Cancer. Prince Charles has become King Charles and in January it was revealed that he has cancer.

This headline went round the world and just like that, everyone was talking about cancer. We haven’t been told what type of cancer her has nor what form of Chemo he is on but three months on his hair has not fallen out and he seems quite chipper, which is perhaps a little odd?? Here is a headline from today…

Just how quickly does one recover from “cancer’?

Anyway, were that not enough publicity for the Cancer industry, along comes Princess Catherine and after dodging the issue for a few months, she finally revealed that she too has cancer.

This seems remarkably bad luck for the Royal family.

In the aftermath of the Kate announcement, the international media has determined that this is the end of the matter and no more questions will be asked and that she can now vanish from public scrutiny for an extended period. Apparently, only “trolls” still ask questions of her. Media lockstep is now in place. Just like with Covid,

But as in all these situations, we must follow the money!

Wow, that’s such fortunate timing.

It gets better still…

Aren’t we blessed? The two Big Pharma outfits which made billions from the Covid scamdemic are now poised to provide mRNA cancer jabs just at the point where two of the most high profile people on the planet get…cancer.

And if thought THAT was suspicious enough, then please consider this headline.

“Baffled”, you say?

It might seem strange but I think we are living through 2020 all over again, this time cancer is the new covid and Big Pharma has “solutions” all lined up.

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​David Vance Substack

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