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Biden Stole Classified Documents as Vice President

And the DOJ/FBI knew about it 6 days before the Mid-Term Election. Another story they suppressed from the American People for our own good of course. Not to interfere in an election.

The MSM is spinning that they Top Secret Documents found at the Penn Biden Think Tank offices in a closet are no big deal, certainly not on the scale as the Top Secret Documents stored at Mar A Lago by Donald Trump.

If you believe that to be the case I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you for a great price, or if you prefer warmer weather some great land in Florida I got for real cheap…

You keep hearing that Biden and Trump did the same thing and at the very least the Department of Justice is handling the situation different in the two cases. There is not a single thread of truth in what they are saying. The two cases have nothing in common.

President Trump’s home was raided for a supposed threat to National Security, due to the fact that he had classified material in his possession. The documents in Trumps possession were A) Known by the National Archives exactly every document that were in his possession. B) The former President and the National Archive were negotiating about the documents and their possession. C) The documents in Trumps possession were stored at Mar A Lago in a manner that was dictated to the Trump Team by the National Archive stored in a secure locked location in a building under 24/7 Secret Service Security. Nothing was hidden, nothing was un-secured, there was an ongoing negotiation with the Archives over which Documents Trump had to return. The Archive wanted all the documents back and Trump didn’t want to turn any of the documents back over. The negotiation was because of the Federal Law that says a President can declassify anything that he chooses. He is the final say in the matter, his word on the subject is law. That is what the Presidential Records Act states as the Law. The National Archives said their judgement on those documents outweighed that written Law.

That motivated Attorney General Merrick Garland to send a SWAT Team to Trumps home and rifle through Melania’s underwear.

2 months later while the Press was still ranting and raving that due to the circumstances above Trump had threatened National Security, top secret documents were found in a closet at an office of former Vice President Joe Biden. The closet was in his office at his Penn-Biden Think Tank. Not one word about the incident was made public. The DOJ kept it quiet because Trump was still being barbecued over documents at Mar A Lago, and the Mid-Term Elections were only 6 days away.

Now according to the talking heads in the MSM this is a minor thing, there were only a few classified documents and Biden didn’t even know they were there.

Lets look at that spin right there, and point out and discuss the glaring bullsh** that is being piled before us.

First here are the Facts on President Trumps Documents.

  1. The National Archives were aware of every document Trump had in his possession.
  2. The National Archive were negotiating with Trump lawyers over the status of these documents.
  3. The Documents were secured per National Archive instructions and under Secret Service security.
  4. President Donald Trump had the Legal Right granted by Law to declassify and retain any document’s or materials he chose to declassify and retain.

Now President Biden’s List of facts on his Documents.

  1. The National Archives were unaware of any Classified Documents being in the possession of Vice President Biden
  2. The National Archives were unaware Classified Documents that had been in Vice President Biden’s possession had gone missing.
  3. The Documents were in a closet, in an office with a standard door lock, in an unsecure building with no security at all.
  4. The Vice President, and any government official, or American Citizen, can not legally posses classified documents or materials outside of an Official Supervised Secure Federal Location. That is the Law, it is enforced under the Espionage Act.
  5. The Vice President of the United State does not posses the legal authority to declassify a single thing.
  6. The only classification these documents can have under these facts is that of Stolen Classified Documents.

Now let’s look at Attorney General Garlands response to both the sets of Facts.

Did the Attorney General treat these incidents in the proper manner when you look at them together? Both incidents happened in exactly the same time period. Both happened right before the Mid-Term Election. Both involved supposedly classified documents.

One difference, a very important one. The documents in President Trumps possession were all totally inventoried by the National Archives, and under Federal Law President Trump had declassified them. The Documents in President Biden’s possession the National Archives had no clue that they existed outside of the secure location that they belonged in. When the documents were removed from that secured location the then Vice President took them illegally. A Vice President has no authority to declassify, remove, or posses classified documents outside of Secure Archive Supervision.

Trumps set of Facts AG Garland saw the proper course of action to be to raid the Former Presidents Home and appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the incident in search of a crime.

Biden’s set of Facts AG Garland saw the proper course of action to be to suppress the discovery of the documents, turn them over to one of the only two Trump appointed AG’s the Biden Administration did not fire after taking power for him to secretly review the documents to asses any possible National Security threats the documents may cause or expose. This review was ordered by AG Garland to be done in secret, hidden from Congress, hidden from the Press, and hidden from the American Public until 3 months after the election when it was exposed by a whistleblower.

The United States of America is no longer a Democracy or properly a Republic. It is a Banana Republic with no equal application of the Law. President Biden supports the Criminal Dictator Lula in Brazil, because he is acting as Dictator LooLoo here in the U.S.

Here is President Biden explaining how Trumps Facts are a criminal disgrace.

Here is President Biden explaining how his facts mean nothing… move along.

I add this interview with Congressman Issa who addresses both sets of facts, from a an honestly fair point of view to a pair of Mainstream Interviewers for additional perspective.

Views: 7


2 thoughts on “Biden Stole Classified Documents as Vice President

    1. I think it will be interesting to watch Petr. I hope he does but……


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