As Chico Marx Once Said….

‘Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?’ This quote is wrongly attributed to Groucho Marx in the 1933 classic ‘Duck Soup’. Actually, it was Chico disguised as Groucho responding to a statement from Margaret Dumont’s character, Gloria Teasdale. It was earlier today when I woke up to the devastation that had been wrought in Harehills, Leeds by a rioting mob that I thought long and hard about that quote. For who do I believe? The politicians, media celebrities and assorted luminaries who never fail to point out how wonderful diversity and multiculturalism have been for this country? Or my own eyes who have seen over decades the squalor, the segregation, the chip-on-the-shoulder attitudes, the atrocious driving, the criminality, the disloyalty, the backward social beliefs, the knife crime, the violence and the sense of self-entitlement that mass migration and multiculturalism have symptomised?

Nigel Farage and Lee Anderson are absolutely right: Import a Third World culture and you get Third World behaviour Last night’s barbarity and recklessness WAS indeed the law of the sub-continent. For those readers here who cannot access the story because of the paywall, I’ll include the usual responses from local Labour MPs, who claimed Farage and Anderson were ‘stoking tensions’ (oh bloody Nora! Not THAT old chestnut again?) Inflaming tensions? Tensions were inflamed here when the political class – starting with Blair and continuing under the so-called Conservatives – decided to turn the principle of economic immigration based on necessity to one of indigenous population replacement based on the ideology that society’s cultural atomisation makes it, ultimately, easier for governments to control. Why else would Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak stand idly by whilst our borders were penetrated more times than a professional’s dartboard?

Perhaps more telling than the above article itself was a comment in the threads below from a reader, who said:

‘It’s irrelevant which continent. Farage’s sentiment is bang on. These people are imports and we have made them King’s (sic) of our streets. If you think this will be contained to ‘communities’ in inner cities, you are wrong. The media can ignore this for now, but it really is coming to a village near you. Our small Hertfordshire town is full of people I don’t recognise. They’ve brought with them a culture that differs from mine and there are so many of them. Visible around the town – all men. They have their own shops, own ways, own communities. They are taking over because we invited them in and allow it. Scary times. Not sure we can stand up to this. Our politicians do not back us. They back them’.

I honestly can’t find one word of that comment I take issue with! The vast majority of those rioting in Leeds last night were recent imports or the children of such. It doesn’t matter which country they came from or what their skin colour is. The fact is we now have millions on our once-sceptered/now-septic isle whose affinity for this country stretches only as far as what they can individually make out of it. And most of our politicians DO back them over us. I’d wager that almost all Labour MPs (and a goodly portion of ‘Conservatives’) would prefer to offer a cup of tea, a biscuit and a heart-to-heart remedial discussion about the ‘alleviation of community tensions’ to those violent scumbags than they would to the average Reform voter with concerns about the cultural and societal destruction of our nation. As for Nigel Farage and Lee Anderson – forget it. In the parallel universes of Alex Sobel, Richard Burgon, Tracy Brabin and Sir Kneel-a-lot, Nigel and Lee would be at the back of the queue behind every Abdul, Jabari and Pyramas in LS8 when it came to the receipt of tea, sympathy and understanding. Getting mainstream politicians to admit the seismic folly and outright dangers inherent in their demographic replacement project would be as difficult as getting a wild grizzly bear to juggle with pickled eggs!! They don’t like to know and they don’t want to know. Why? Because it doesn’t affect them, that’s why!!

So what of the future? Well, outside the laws of physics everything is impossible or unthinkable until it becomes possible or plausible. Would folk such as my great-grandmother (who died aged 93 in 1982) ever have imagined a Britain where knife crime was rampant? Where teenage girls were picked up and then picked apart for sexual gratification by predatory men on an industrial scale? Or where Sharia courts would get the blessing of our rulers in certain areas of law? All of those things, once thought impossible and beyond comprehension, are now real life and real time thanks to our politicians’ great multicultural experiment. What will it be like in another, say, 30 years? With legal immigration from backward countries of a velocity comparable to Angel Falls, Starmer’s promise of asylum consideration for 90,000 ‘refugees’ and mind-blowing inertia when contemplating what to do with the daily masses of boat invaders? A multicultural hell-on-earth, I’d say; along with many other European countries whose governments have gleefully shat all over their own people just so they can glad-hand each other in the uber-liberal moron-o-sphere.

I’m going to make a prediction here…and not one I take any comfort in forecasting: In another 10 – 15 years, the British state will be spending more money on the consequences flowing from violent and agitating minorities than it will on its own national defence. When you see how the city of Bradford has changed and deteriorated from the days of ‘Billy Liar’, ‘Room at the Top’ and its reputation as a ‘woolopolis’ to one of Palestinian flags, rioting and urban separation, you don’t need much of an imagination to see how large parts of the UK could look, sound and feel exactly like that just a few decades from now. But never ask most politicians or people of influence for any solicitude, because being a proud, patriotic, hard-working British individual places your right at the top of their ‘I don’t give a toss’ list these days!

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