Anti White racism in the West End!

Did you read about the Producers of a West End theatrical production “carefully considering” holding evenings with black-only audiences?

Slave Play at the Noel Coward Theatre, which features Game Of Thrones star Kit Harington among the cast, is set to have two performances aimed at an “all-black-identifying audience” that is “free from the white gaze”.

What? There’s more….!

Another West End theatre will hold performances for predominantly-black audiences, despite the Prime Minister’s warning that such shows are ‘wrong and divisive’. Blue, a play about the shooting of a black motorist in the US, will have two ‘Black Out nights’ during its run at the Seven Dials Playhouse this month. Organisers of the play said the ‘special’ evenings for ‘Black identifying guests’ were an attempt to ‘shift the norm’ of the theatre being ‘historically a majority white space’.

Can you IMAGINE the outrage if a West End production put on a “Whites Only” production of Les Miserables and insisted that this was to ensure it would “free from the black gaze? What sort of perverse mind set would seek to exclude anyone from a public performance based on skin colour? This is naked racism.

Furthermore, it would be ILLEGAL in the UK to discriminate in the way these productions are planning. Any WHITE person refused entry after turning up to these “black identifying” performances could sue their asses off! I only wish I lived in London so this could be tested. It is my view that some of the most egregious divisive racists are those who posture as race warriors.

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