Anti Racism is a Euphemism


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

According to the official narrative, the “Far Right Extremists” who want to attack our ethnic minorities are being bravely resisted by “Anti-Racists” who have taken to the streets in large numbers. No less a figure than King Charles has been moved to congratulate these “Anti-Racist” protestors and the fakestream media seems to exult in the “success” of the “Anti-Racist” movement in fighting off the “‘fash” and saving our ethnic minorities, Muslims in particular.

It’s all built on a lie. The so-called “Anti-Racist” movement is in fact better understood as the hard left stormtroopers who we normally see traipsing through our cities in support of Gaza and the erasure of Israel. Add in the usual Muslim rent-a-mob, BLM supporters and Communists and THAT becomes the “anti-racist movement” now being lionised in the media.

One of the mob showed his true colours and almost got away with it.

Got that, he was cheered on by the “Anti-Racist” crowd as he called for the MURDER of British people unhappy about mass immigration.

Check out this image of a typical “Anti-Racist” crowd. Loads of Palestinian flags, trade union approved placards. These are the people who chant “From the River to the Sea…” and who are being lionised and presented as heroes. The authorities stand by and smile at their antic as they claim to be “smashing the (non-existent) far right fascists”!!

Life has become truly dystopian in the UK with the advent of the Starmer regime and the vile pro mass migration pro Open Borders hard left hordes have been lifted up and presented as heroes.

It disgusts me.

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