David Vance SubstackRead More
Axel Rudakubana is the poster boy of the UK stab scene so Netflix’s knife-crime blockbuster, Adolescence, has used a young white boy as its star villain.
You couldn’t make it up.
This sort of drivel is the front line in the culture war, which is why this appalling TV series is being hyped everywhere.
There are almost daily newspaper splashes on this television propaganda and – this really tells you how important this propaganda is – there is even an endorsement tweet from Globalist Gollum Andrew Neil:
“Just finished all four episodes of Netflix’s ‘Adolescence’. At times painfully difficult to watch. But one of the most powerful and relevant British TV dramas ever made. Acting, photography, scripting and production flawless. Deserves to scoop every TV award going.”
What people like Andrew Neil know is that pop culture is way more important than news and political output.
Screen dramas and stand-up are where most people form their opinions.
It is not what people see around them that matters.
It is what they see in the media prism that matters.
And this drama distracts its audience in two key ways.
1) Why would a globalist like Andrew Neil gush over a piece of agitprop that uses a white male teenager as a symbol of UK knife crime?
Is it because globalists are keen to distract from the demographic groups most closely associated with knife crime?
2) Why would a globalist like Andrew Neil be gushing about a TV drama that implies there should be more internet censorship?
If you think there is no political agenda in play here, look at this tweet from BBC Breakfast:
“Co-writer Jack Thorne and actor Stephen Graham told BBC Breakfast there needs to be a crackdown on social media after researching their drama ‘Adolescence’ – which shines a light on the corrosive impact of misogynist influencers on some teenage boys.”
If you watch the video clip in that Tweet, co-writer Jack Thorne promotes the model that Australian authorities want to impose: Age verification for the internet.
Age verification for the internet for one age group means age verification for everyone.
And where does that lead? It leads to internet ID for everyone.
How very Orwellian.
These two virtue-signalling clowns, Jack Thorne and actor Stephen Graham, have been all over the media almost every day over the past fortnight pushing ideas like this.
This is a headline from an interview with The Independent:
‘Adolescence’s Stephen Graham has issued a warning to parents about the dangers of the internet.’
The interview has all sorts of vague fluffy statements until we get to this point:
‘Adolescence does not deal with Andrew Tate or incel culture directly, an intentional decision by writer Jack Thorne to shed light on the complex influences impacting young people and explore “male rage”.’
Andrew Tate!
This Substack is not an endorsement of Andrew Tate.
But what did Andrew Tate do to upset the globalists? It wasn’t the sex part that upset them. That is the irony.
It was Tate’s assault on the Covid narrative and the global warming narrative that sent the globalist wasps’ nest after him.
Tate’s sex antics were OK with the globalists for years. They were filmed for public consumption.
But start talking about Covid and global warming and you will find the authorities suddenly become interested in the sex part of your life that, curiously, never interested them before.
It is the timing of the media and lawfare attacks that give the game away.
And what are ‘incels’ exactly?
Are they organic movements infiltrated by undercover police?
If you visit the official UK government’s Undercover Policing Inquiry website, you will see that any even remotely off-grid group, from animal rights groups to victims of crime groups, are always heavily infiltrated by undercover police.
That particular website focuses on the Metropolitan Police’s Special Demonstration Squad and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, but undercover police and surveillance are like fresh air George Orwell’s UK.
Are undercover police hothousing incel views in online groups?
That question has to be asked because do you remember a young white man called Colin Stagg?
Stagg was almost what might nowadays be called a de facto incel. A bit of a loner. You know the sort of thing. The sort of person the police love to fit up.
The Metropolitan Police decided to hook him up with a female undercover officer who spent their time together trying to persuade Stagg to admit to the violent murder of a lady called Rachel Nickell.
Stagg was, of course, completely innocent.
Stagg was lucky enough to be defended by two of the brightest barristers of their generation, who shredded the police entrapment in the Old Bailey courthouse.
The point is this, there is nothing the UK authorities and UK police will not stoop to in their undercover work when they think no one is looking.
Is it the police who are running these incel groups?
Are relatively small incel issues (if they are even organic) a big distraction from the bigger problems in the UK?
What is more, incels are the opposite of Andrew Tate. ‘Incel culture’, it seems to be often suggested, is about not engaging with the opposite sex.
Why can’t these TV drama propagandists make their mind up?
Or is all that irrelevant?
Is all the vagueness all right so long as the TV drama propagandists make the implication in the storyline that there should be more Big Brother censorship?
The saturation Big Media promotion of Adolescence is unbelievably serious.
UK prime minister Sir Keir Starmer is backing a strangely inorganic campaign to show this propaganda in UK schools, according to Sky News:
‘Sky News: Starmer backs campaign to show Adolescence in schools’
Starmer and his underlings know pop culture like this can do the government’s heavyweight lifting for it.
Adolescence makes out white boys are poster boys of the UK stab scene.
Just as with Covid – Adolescence tries to govern the people by consent. In this case, the consent the government wants is: More internet censorship and monitoring.
By the way, Netflix is doing this all the time with topics of huge importance to the globalist agenda.
This is how Netflix publicised its drama called Apple Cider Vinegar in a promotional Tweet:
‘Two women with life-threatening illnesses look to health & wellness for a cure, sharing all to their global Instagram following. This would be inspiring, if it were at all true.’
Apple Cider Vinegar is all about how people who look outside of allopathic medicine are misguided, and, of course, slams unofficially approved medical voices on the internet!
And let’s not forget Netflix’s romanticisation of IVF: Joy.
Netflix is deeply engaged in agitprop TV drama. Agitprop is literature, drama, art, or music disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government.
Note how the arts world has been harnessed to promote censorship, authoritarianism and distortion of the news.
It is the polar opposite of how a creative and journalist such as George Orwell would think.
But, then, isn’t that the point of the simp creatives at Netflix and ‘journalists’ like Andrew Neil?
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