A “BIG BOY” Press Conference. (NOT)

Last night President Biden held a “Big Boy Press Conference” at the wrap up of NATO Conference hosted here in the U.S.. This Was supposed to be the moment that the President was to present himself in a manner assuaging the fears the doubts of not just the American Public, but the press, Leaders, and citizens of the world.

Needless to say, it did no such thing. The “Press Conference” started with a half hour speech summarizing the NATO conference. A speech that was laid out on the podium before he came out that he then read to the audience. He read it well reassuring us that at least that faculty remains.

Then came the “BIG BOY” part of the press conference. His brave show that he can take direct questions from the Press. What is the first thing he does? He pulls out a list of predetermined “Journalist’s” that he was told to pick to ask him questions.

We are supposed to believe this is Joe doing a hard hitting press conference. All prearranged softball questions more than likely given to the journalists ahead of time. That’s this White Houses idea of a “Big Boy” presser.

It was a sad and embarrassing display. The speech at the beginning was delivered well making him seem cognizant, while even with scripted questions delivered by the likes of NPR his diminished capacity was on display for all to see. From his first flub calling Vice President Harris, Vice President Trump to his half dozen “Anyways” that he throws in when his train goes off the tracks it was hard to watch.

He did make it clear he is NOT going to drop out. He even dared the DNC to try and start from scratch at one point. Exposing the hadr truth that the Democrats are stuck him like it or not. My favorite moment in the presser was the very last exchange. One brave journalist yelled a question at the end. “Mr. President Donald Trump is already using your flub of calling VP Harris Trump to say you are unfit, what is your reply?

The President’s answer was classic, he said “You should listen to him”….. Yes President Biden we should listen to him, you are incompetent.

Below is the full “Big Boy” Press Conference for you to suffer through for yourself. Tell me if you disagree with my assessment.

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