There is no such thing as Hate Speech

Those on the political left have always understood the importance of language. In fact, they have mastered the propaganda potential that many words contain. We refer to these activists as “progressives’ because that is how they style themselves but there is nothing remotely progressive about them and their ideas. They are nihilists, with a large dash of self loathing and inadequacy thrown in. They DO understand language and that’s why they FEAR language. “Hate Speech” is their way to close our voices down by applying this generic disparaging term to many of our most important arguments. In the 1970’s, the Old Left wanted to debate us and challenge us. These days they just want to shut us up.

When “Hate Speech” is then codified into law, as has happened under the guise of a so-called Conservative Government, things get very dangerous indeed. It’s up to us to reject all of their language fascism and to assert our free will. However I feel that too often some on our side fall short of demanding total victory for free speech.

Here’s a case which sounds good superficially but which really isn’t that great at all. It concerns the Russell Group, which is the 24 strong collective of the UK’s top universities. Alas I am a graduate of one of these – so I know how awful they are.

The other day they tweeted the following

We apologise for an error in our original submission to the OfS free speech consultation, which incorrectly listed “gender critical” speech as an example of unlawful speech, in place of “transphobic”. This was a genuine mistake and we have now republished our corrected summary.

This has been hailed as a great victory since Gender Critical views are protected free speech under law. The Russell Group doesn’t really care though because they are too busy pandering to extreme left activist Student Bodies. Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism and Transphobia are all deemed unlawful speech by the Russell Group. Why? Shouldn’t we be allowed to offer criticism of any faith group we want? Jews and Muslims should not be afforded this protection – I don’t think Christians are afforded it so why should these other get it? Why can’t we criticise the Trans movement? The very fact elite Academia are so frightened of speech in these areas shows what cowards they have become. It’s no longer the dreaming spires, it is the shivering wreck of that which once had value and that encouraged critical thinking.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Those on the political left have always understood the importance of language. In fact, they have mastered the propaganda potential that many words contain. We refer to these activists as “progressives’ because that is how they style themselves but there is nothing remotely progressive about them and their ideas. They are nihilists, with a large dash of self loathing and inadequacy thrown in. They DO understand language and that’s why they FEAR language. “Hate Speech” is their way to close our voices down by applying this generic disparaging term to many of our most important arguments. In the 1970’s, the Old Left wanted to debate us and challenge us. These days they just want to shut us up.

When “Hate Speech” is then codified into law, as has happened under the guise of a so-called Conservative Government, things get very dangerous indeed. It’s up to us to reject all of their language fascism and to assert our free will. However I feel that too often some on our side fall short of demanding total victory for free speech.

Here’s a case which sounds good superficially but which really isn’t that great at all. It concerns the Russell Group, which is the 24 strong collective of the UK’s top universities. Alas I am a graduate of one of these – so I know how awful they are.

The other day they tweeted the following

We apologise for an error in our original submission to the OfS free speech consultation, which incorrectly listed “gender critical” speech as an example of unlawful speech, in place of “transphobic”. This was a genuine mistake and we have now republished our corrected summary.

This has been hailed as a great victory since Gender Critical views are protected free speech under law. The Russell Group doesn’t really care though because they are too busy pandering to extreme left activist Student Bodies. Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism and Transphobia are all deemed unlawful speech by the Russell Group. Why? Shouldn’t we be allowed to offer criticism of any faith group we want? Jews and Muslims should not be afforded this protection – I don’t think Christians are afforded it so why should these other get it? Why can’t we criticise the Trans movement? The very fact elite Academia are so frightened of speech in these areas shows what cowards they have become. It’s no longer the dreaming spires, it is the shivering wreck of that which once had value and that encouraged critical thinking.

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​David Vance Substack

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