The death of the Con-servatives

So let’s be clear, it doesn’t matter about what the budget did or what the budget didn’t do. The fact of the matter is that this fake conservative party is headed for the cliff. Now I am quite happy to see them destroyed and I keep saying I think the outcome of the election will be an extinction level event for the Conservatives. They’re gonna lose potentially hundreds of states hundreds of MPs and it can’t come soon enough for me. You might say that’s a very short sided view for someone such as me who is conservative with a small sea minded, but the truth of the matter is that these have been fake conservatives end Downing Street for 13 years. Just look at the track record; they have abandoned controlling immigration; they have wrecked the economy; they have committed us to the impossibility of net zero. They have taken away our liberty and freedom as we saw during lockdown and they have destroyed small business. They have rocketed taxes to a pst World War II High. This is the outcome of 13 years of Conservatives so begone.

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The brutal truth is that they were never genuine conservatives. Instead, they were a bunch of parasitic liberals masquerading as conservatives whilst implementing left-wing policies, continually betraying their electorate so I’m happy for them to go. Are you?

One thing that is beyond any doubt is that we’re in the final few months of this period of Conservative rule, and I celebrate that because even though Labour will be atrocious in every way, these “Conservatives” are worse because they masquerade as if they are on our side, but in fact they’re not They are the enemy in plain side.

I will be pleased when Sunak and Hunt and the rest of them are kicked out of Office. That will be a good day because at least they will no longer be able to continue doing the betrayal that they’ve been so active in. With Labour you *know* that they’re not on our side, you know that they are radicals, and hopefully that may be a wake up call for some people.


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