

Will it be Kemi? Will it be Rob?
We’ll have to wait and see..

The mellifluous voice of the late Doris Day went through my mind as I typed the above. Many in the media, though, seem to be quite excited as the day draws ever closer. I would hazard a guess few outside the MSM honestly care. For after 14 years of the Conservatives ritually and systematically thumbing their noses at their broad voter base, the party has decided that what the public really wants is one of two proven failures. Two people who both occupied high ministerial office; were happy to serve in a government that utterly betrayed the British people on immigration and only half-heartedly delivered on Brexit; and who will say just about anything to get them elected to the position of Leader of HM Official Opposition. Like Kenneth Williams, Bernard Cribbins and Willie Rushton on the children’s story programme ‘Jackanory’ back in the 70s and 80s, these two can tell a good tale. But that’s all it is, or all it’ll ever be. Even if the Tories managed to substitute these bungling clowns for somebody with genuine talent and principles, their brand is now so badly damaged with millions of voters (including yours truly), they will find it almost impossible to ever get back those ‘glory days’ of government with the sort of policies beloved of dripping wets like Cameron, May and Major.

Why am I so resentful towards a party I’ve voted for all my life? Let me sum it up with an explanation of a car journey I made last Tuesday afternoon. The route took me from Water Street in central Manchester to the Simister Island interchange where the M62, M60 and M66 motorways all meet. A journey of only 6 miles should take – even with the sorts of traffic levels we had back in the noughties – no more than thirty minutes. My journey? Seventy minutes! The reason? It’s the same reason traffic is slowly grinding to a halt pretty much anywhere south of the A69: Zero investment in infrastructure coupled with the deliberate policy of packing in as many disparate cultures and nationalities as possible. As well building no new motorways or completing any significant road and rail improvement projects during their time in office, the Tory party between 2010 and 2024 presided over far and away the biggest immigrant influx this country has ever seen! Even the Blair administration’s crusade to replace the British people was only in first gear compared to what Cameron, Johnson, Sunak et al managed to achieve. Passing through Cheetham Hill on my way to the motorway brought home the sheer tragic scale of how so many of our urban districts no longer look even the slightest bit British. Naturally, my seemingly endless drive was prolonged even more as the moving traffic had to navigate a line of double-parked cars protruding into the carriageway – each one occupied by either a migrant physician, neuroscientist, structural engineer or industrial maintenance technician. However, they must have all been taking the evening off from such skilled roles that day because the only telltale employment articles they were carrying were Deliveroo and Just East thermal bags. The intricacies of brain surgery procedure had been replaced last Tuesday with the latest route instructions from the owners of the sort of hygenically-questionable takeaways that proliferate in these multi-culti hell-holes. By the way, what sort of indolent pleb do you have to be to prefer the use of mass unskilled migrant labour to deliver your lukewarm fast food because you believe a five-minute car journey to the local eatery is too stressful for you to handle? I’d love to know.

‘We’ll get migration down to the tens of thousands’, promised Cameron….promised May….promised Johnson….promised Sunak. Yet none of them did! Then, rather than heed the instruction by the electorate to safeguard our borders and reduce immigration as an integral part of Brexit, they were happy to throw open the doors to anyone and everyone regardless of background, or cultural/religious compatibility. In the process they have not only transformed Britain beyond recognition, but ensured it will never again be the sort of country I was happy and proud to grow up in during the 80s and 90s. The Conservatives are akin to someone taking a hammer to the statue of the Madonna in the Vatican, then promising you everything will be fine because they possess a magic glue that can put all the pieces back together without seeing the joins. They promised us a cut in migration; they delivered millions more. They promised us high-skilled technical labour; they gave us clueless care staff and junk food gophers.

I’ve heard more languages and seen more nationalities in my own little town over the past 4 years than I did in the previous three decades! The scale of the change has profoundly embittered and saddened me. The purpose of the Conservative party is to conserve, not destroy. But they have destroyed. They have destroyed the United Kingdom as millions of us still can remember it, and then they have to audacity to spin us yet another migration yarn in the hope that selective amnesia will get the better of us. I used to rib my best mate for voting Labour in 1997 and ushering in the first government to encourage mass migration. Instead, I was the idiot! The idiot for putting my trust in a Tory machine I believed would not follow the prescription set out by Labour to substitute a once-recognisable Britain for an island creaking at the overcrowded seems with cultural fragmentation. I won’t be fooled ever again. Nor, I suspect, will the millions who’ve made newer and more convincing political outfits their party of choice. So go ahead, Kemi! Go ahead, Robert! Impress those in the small sympathetic media circles that you really are a new dawn. The rest of us will shrug our shoulders and dismiss your promises for the guff they are. You know that tree the Conservatives have used for a party emblem since the Millennium? As far as I’m concerned it’s got Dutch elm disease!!

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