The Mainstream Media is sheer cancer


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

When you see an image like this, it should give pause for thought. This was UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer surrounded by the establishment media press en route to meet with the (zombie) Joe Biden. Look at the shared laughter, the smug ease, the total alignment of this pack with the most dangerous PM we have seen in a very long time. It made me sick to even see it. It is emblemic of how LOW establishment journalism has become.

Years ago I realised the Media were very far from the “impartial seekers of truth” that they presented themselves but it took Brexit and Covid for me to see them as the actual enemies of truth and the concealers of fact. My rule of thumb is that if the media says one thing, it is highly likely that the opposite is likely to be true. But is the jolly sycophancy they all share that riles me. They don’t hold “power to account” – instead they actively collude with power to help it stay in position – as long as its the type they like. And Starmer’s bleak Nanny State Authoritarianism is right up their street.

Politicians hate facing journalists who might actually ask hard questions of them and challenge their decisions. Such people are excluded from such trans-Atlantic jaunts with Starmer for the obvious reason that they might actually challenge what he asserts as if it were Holy Writ. During Covid ALL these hacks did their best to push the fear and to plead for more lockdown, longer furlough and mandatory Covid passports and jabs. So we must see them for the monsters they are, devoid of any moral weight.

These slabbering sycophants provide no useful function and you will never gain any real insight let alone truth from any of them. They are a central conduit of the Establisment and as such are a form of cancer.

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