The Vibes and Feelz President!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Well, the DNC convention is over and Kamala Harris was been anointed as their Presidential nominee! Did you feel the JOY? Did you embrace the VIBES? Were you excited to find out a little about Kamala as she was introduced to us for the first time? Also, have you had a lobotomy?

The scam the DNC is trying to pull is truly audacious! The fundamental deceit here is that Harris is “new” rather than the incumbent V-P for the past three and a half years! Her fingerprints are ALL over every disastrous decision that the Biden-Harris has made! The soaring inflation, the wide open southern border, the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, she OWNS it all. But the Democrats and their media allies are pretending she has NOTHING to do with everything that she has done. That’s bold, it’s audacious.

She is promising CHANGE yet she IS the incumbent V-P! The way the Democrats talk one could be forgiven for thinking Donald Trump WAS the actual sitting President! (Then again, in some ways, maybe he is?) There is also the complete absence of any substantive policies or any scrutiny of what she claims. That’s deliberate and part of the planned steal. They want her elected on FEELINGS, not policies. The policies will follow – same as Biden’s but with an even more communist sheen.

The great unknown is – will it work? Can they struggle this vacuous mediocre candidate BACK into the White House? Part of me thinks that they MUST know she and Walz are disastrous so they are using a B team this time so they can come back in 2028 with a better team. Then again maybe they think that having the entire mainstream media selling Brand Harris can work?

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