What if Trump wasn’t shot?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It’s a simple but seemingly bizarre proposition; What if Donald Trump wasn’t shot? What if the events that took place near Butler, Pennsylvania were all a contrived psyop? Well, that’s NOT my view and I genuinely believe that there was an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump on 13th July 2024 but I listened to a podcast speculating that it was all staged and it got me thinking about rabbit holes. I see dangers because if EVERYTHING you see is faked, and NO ONE can be trusted in any way, where do you go? You literally stop believing all you see and all you hear. I don’t think that is a healthy place to be.

I am all for critical thinking but I am also all for trying to keep a balance in life. Yes I do believe that many major events that have happened are not as portrayed. And that can arguably be traced back into ancient history. But sometimes things are exactly as they appear.

If you look for occult symbolism you can find it everywhere but is it really what you think it is? For example, after the bullet clipped his ear, Trump famously said “Fight, Fight, Fight” which many of us thought was truly heroic. But I have heard it argued that F is the sixth letter of the alphabet so “Fight. Fight. Fight” = 666. I think that’s a massive stretch but if you want to find conspiracy then you assuredly will! Yes, there are many legitimate questions we can ask about 13th July but I worry that if we look for the dark conspiracy that stops us seeing the thing in plain sight!

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