Is Mpox just a STD?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

As you know, the W.H.O. is once again pushing the “Monkeypox” scam, even renaming it as “Mpox” because “Monkeypox” is, well, racist (to monkeys?).

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global emergency due to a new Monkey pox outbreak. Currently there are 17,500+ presumed and confirmed cases in 13 countries with 524 reported deaths, mostly in Congo.

The thing that I find most surprising is that the Government is pushing a “Mpox” vaccine for something that superficially seems to be a sexually transmitted disease. Surely it would be better to advise people to abstain from certain sexual practises? In case you think I am just making up this link to sexual behaviour, consider what the British Government say about it…

Basically young gay men having lots of sexual partners AND who have a record of catching STD’s is the Mpox market so it’s hard to see how they can try to sell this to the heterosexual marketplace. To try and crank up FEAR, there have been some “suggestions” that Mpox can be transmitted in other limited ways.

The major route of transmission remains close person-to-person contact, including sexual contact. In some circumstances heavily contaminated material such as bedding can cause infection, or contact with infected animals, which is unlikely to occur in the U.S. Airborne transmission is very uncommon.

“Very Uncommon” appears to be a euphemism for “impossible”!

I also find it curious that the “Mpox” vaccine is essentially the Smallpox vaccine. There are many questions to be asked of this – the original “vaccine”!

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