The Tiers of a Clown

One of the many depressing things about living in this age is that what you see with your own eyes is lied about and propagandised out of mind by lying governments and a lying media. The more you see it, the more they try to convince you that what you’re seeing is a mirage. When finally they are unable to do so due to the unsustainable counteracting pressures of reality v propaganda, their default position in then to try to silence opposition to the greatest extent possible. Depending on the supposed ‘democratic’ credentials of the state, this default plan can either be minor in nature, i.e. the doubling down of acceptable narratives, with voices outside the echo chamber largely ignored; or it can be draconian in its operation – which usually means cracking down punitively on any dissenting opinion. At one time, states like the United Kingdom would practice the former strategy, leaving ‘rogue’ nations like China and North Korea to implement the latter. Following the events of the last few weeks with Keir Starmer at the head of our government, I’m not so sure the differences are that marked any more.

“We don’t have two-tier policing”, said Obergruppenfuhrer Starmer in his first response to the appalling and utterly self-defeating riots. In the alternative universe occupied by most politicians and the likes of the BBC, there are only two types of people: Those who love open borders, mass migration, unfettered multiculturalism, societal fragmentation, ethnic slums, depressed wages, infrastructural pressures, low productivity, parallel societies, non-integration, the need for increased security monitoring, and rampant criminality………….and the ‘far-Right’. That’s it, folks! That’s the limit of their comprehension. And not only will they die in a ditch for the preservation of that fake dichotomy, they’ll metaphorically hang, draw and quarter anyone who refuses to come to heel and demonstrate online timidity. I’d better brace myself, then!

So, if there isn’t such a thing as ‘two-tier policing, Keir, why have we seen the unprecedented alacrity of the police and judicial system over the past three weeks? Not only that, but why the self-evident disparity between the sentence handed down to David Spring of Sutton ( for chanting ‘who the f**k is Allah?’ (that’s something I’d quite like to know as well, given hundreds of thousands of his devoted followers have committed unspeakable acts of terror in his name down the decades), and the dropping of charges against Asif Ali, Mohammed Iftikhar Hanif, Jawaad Hussain and Adil Mota ( on nothing other than a convenient technicality? If you’re looking for other examples, where was the speedy implementation of justice against all those filmed chanting anti-Semitic slogans and waving flags in support of Hamas during the tiresome and seemingly never-bloody-ending parades of anti-Israel hatred on London’s streets almost every Saturday afternoon? Not one politician or police leader followed with Wyatt Earp-esque cries of ‘we’re coming for you’ on those countless occasions. What virtually nobody in the political or media spheres has cottoned on to yet is the reality that these riots did not stem directly from the tragic killings in Southport. They were merely the touchpaper. They have their origins in the developments of the Harehills riots a couple of weeks before. Riots in which police just stood around and allowed violence to play out, before running away like frightened children from an angry dog to preserve their own safety.

Why did the police and politicians not react as they should in that situation? For the same reason they didn’t react in the same way after the riots in 2011 in the aftermath of the police killing of Mark Duggan ( For the same reason Irish republican thugs rioting in Londonderry last weekend following the annual Relief of the City celebrations will get nothing like the sort of ‘bicep-flexing bravado’ responses from the PSNI and politicians in Ulster ( It’s because the British State sees different groups in different ways. We are NOT all one society, subjected to the equal and equitable application of the law and state justice. For that same state and its leaders have decided we must be compartmentalised into sub-groups, irrespective of how much we identify with Britain or take pride in its many achievements. For the (mostly white) working class, it’s open season with any transgression of the law. For many others – including some of the most implacable enemies of this United Kingdom ( – it’s velvet-footed sensitivity around comparable crimes because there must always be considerations of motivating factors rooted in memes of ‘ingrained disadvantage’: ethnicity, sexuality, religion, mental health, asylum status or some such other bollocks! That’s why Ed Miliband did his ‘good old Uncle Joe’ tour of north London back in 2011, and why nobody from this current Labour shambles will do anything remotely like that when it comes to the riots that have erupted since the Southport killings. You can bet your last penny (assuming you have any left after Rachel Reeves’ forthcoming Budget) on that!

I don’t know if the publication of this article will get me a knock on the door by the Old Bill. To be honest, I don’t particularly care. On a personal basis, I value nothing more than my own self-respect. And I will not sully that by pretending black is white, north is south, inside is out, left is right, or that the mass migration of alien cultures into this country has been anything other than a damn disaster on so many levels. I’ll condemn anyone who uses violence to make a point. I’ll condemn anyone who promotes violence against other people. But I will not condemn those who see their country slipping away from them, and for the ‘crime’ of using certain terms or expressing themselves a certain way in opposition to that now find themselves in the slammer notwithstanding their previous good character. We’re not just going to stay silent so that politicians can preen themselves with the delusion that what they’ve done to this country over the past few decades has made it a better Britain to live in. Because it damn well HAS NOT!!

Got it!?

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