“Who the f**k is Allah?”


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Did you read the disturbing story about the sentencing of a guy called David Spring?

A 61-year-old man in the UK was jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the f*ck is Allah” and telling police officers “you’re not English anymore” during a protest outside Downing Street. The sentence handed out to David Spring is the latest shocking example of how low the bar has now been set in terms of free speech in response to rioting that occurred after the murder of three girls in Southport last month.

Quite so. Whilst shouting out such an expression is vulgar, I can’t see how it is a crime and I would like to know under which specific law it is a crime?

Spring attended a demonstration of around 700 people in London on July 31 which turned disorderly. Police bodycam footage that was played in court showed Spring calling police officers “cunts,” making “hostile gestures” and joining in with chants of “who the f*ck is Allah” and “you’re not English anymore.”

While Spring’s behaviour could be described as offensive and unruly, the fact that he will spent the next year and a half behind bars for saying mean words exemplifies how the UK has slipped into extreme authoritarianism in the space of just two weeks.

In fact it is a terrifying example of how our Justice system is being used to punish those who were genuinely upset at the slaughter of the three young girls in Southport and who quite legitimately took to the streets to protest. That does not mean they have any right to do violence to people or property BUT shouting hurty words, however unwise, cannot reasonably be seen to warrant 18 months behind bars. So this is simply the Starmer State cracking down on people worried about mass migration, open borders and Islam in the UK.

If one is not allowed to publicly criticise Allah without fear of imprisonment then that suggests we have Courts enforcing blasphemy laws. The UK is is trouble.


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