UK Police to arrest the world?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

In what has to be one of the most sinister and egregious power grabs, the Head of the Metropolitan Police Sir Mark Crowley has suggested that no one anywhere in the world is safe from his reach.

At one level, it is plainly ridiculous, there is no way that there is any legal reach to a country such as the US. But at another level it is revealing as to the authoritarian anti-democratic mind of senior British Policing egged on by Keir Starmer. A chill has descended on everyone in the UK who wishes to criticise the Government and policing. We face arrest and imprisonment for challenging the narrative either on the streets or on-line. We may lose our jobs, our homes and all for the “crime” of opposing mass migration and open borders. This has come about after five weeks of the most tyrannical Government in living memory. Sir Keir Starmer is the most dangerous Prime Minister we have ever seen, showing an authoritarian streak combined with a thin skin unable to take criticism. Using his experience as Director of Public Prosecutions, he has become a Director of Public Persecution, advancing hard left ideology dressed up as keeping us safe. The truth is no one is going to be safe under Starmer.

But, I hear you say, at least we have the Conservatives to help us! Wrong. They have been mostly missing in action and stay silent as Starmer threatens the Nation. This should surprise no one. The Uniparty is always united at the core. As our prisons are emptied of vicious criminals (including murderers) so that people who post hurt tweets can take their space, the Tories stay mute! That’s deliberate.

The truth of the matter is that we cannot rely on any politician to save us from the current coup against the British people. It will ultimately come down to each and every one of us!

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