Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Britain!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

What’s the difference between Pakistan and Great Britain? The answer would appear to be “time” as it becomes increasingly obvious that this new British left wing Labour Government blatantly and deliberately priorities Muslim needs over every other group, including Christians, Jews and Hindus. Turns out Equality goes out the window when the Left get into power.

The Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has repeated his claims today that he stands with Muslims in the UK and the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has funnelled extra £££ millions to protect Mosques. No other faith groups get such protection. Despite furious pro-Gaza protests in our cities, Jewish people have not been afforded such layers of protection. Churches are entirely neglected by the State.

Furthermore the UK Government does not see the very real Muslim Defence League as a threat but does perceive the non-existent English Defence League as an existential danger that incurs the full wrath of the State. In addition to all this, the Government insists it does not operate two-tier policing whilst we all can see that it has one standard of policing response to Muslim violence and a different one to concerned British citizens protesting the killing of their kids and the decimation of their communities via unwanted mass migration.

So where are we headed? Based on the prevailing orthodoxy of this Labour Government, patriots become second class citizens and are seen as a danger to the Stat. Migrants and Muslims (but I repeat myself) have become the favoured darlings of the Government. But can this situation hold? I doubt it. For any Government to prevail it has to at least give the impression of impartiality and seek accommodation. Starmer and his stormtroopers see it otherwise and feel they can threaten patriots into submission. If they succeed, the UK will become a de facto Islamic Republic. If they fail, can they stay in power?

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