Rwandan values


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

We do not know the identity of the 17 year old who is alleged to have carried out the killings of those young children in Southport. The media and police have only said that he was “from Cardiff”. That is a half truth. It is commonly understood that the PARENTS of the alleged culprit came to Wales from Rwanda and settled in the Cardiff area before moving to .. the Southport area. So the alleged killer was “from Southport” area.

But can we assume the killer is of Rwandan heritage? That’s possible. However it is worth considering that just because his parents came here from Rwanda that does not mean they are Rwandans. I am advised that there is a popular scam whereby those from neighbouring African countries “buy” their Rwandan passport and then leg it to the UK. Might this be a possibility here? Further, Rwanda is also the country that most NGOs hold asylum seekers who are en route to the West.

If we stick with the “Rwanda heritage” theme, it is worth pointing out that Rwanda has a history replete with EXTREME violence, even genocide. This is what we are importing into the UK and then Government is acting ever so shocked when they do here what they have always done there!


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