The celebration of degeneracy.


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I spend most of Saturday in London at the march organised by Tommy Robinson. It was a pleasure to be in such a huge crowd of British patriots and seeing the flags of the UK so prominently displayed made a very pleasant change from the dismal Palestinian flag!

But because I was in London, I missed the Belfast “pride” parade! Let me clarify, I missed it in the sense of not seeing the grotesque degeneracy on display! Here are a few choice pics of what Belfast had on parade starting with the Lord Mayor.

Next, the demons. Literally.

Then calls for mutilating the bodies of young people

Lest you though the rot has not yet reached the very top of the Civil service – well, check this out!

And if you thought children’s “charities” were safe, think again .

The National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children showed true colours.

The trans death cult has grabbed control of the LGB movement and is taking it straight to hell.


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