Biden Needs to Now Resign as President

President Biden has resigned from running for reelection, the President also needs to resign from the Presidency for multiple reasons.

The reason Biden has resigned from the campaign to be reelected is because it has become apparent that he is not mentally fit to continue. He has also shown that he is no longer cognizant enough to be President.

There are still 6 months left in his Presidency. He has shown repeatedly that he no longer has the faculties to make the instantaneous decisions that the job demands. There are two Wars going on in the world that we are involved in that could actually escalate into a Nuclear Conflict. Add to that the internal problems the nation is facing. Our economy is in collapse, our terror threat alert is the highest it’s been since 9-11, and someone just tried to kill the Republican Nominee in a spectacular security failure.

The other reason is the stability of the transition to Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris is taking over the campaign with Biden’s endorsement, but others in her party can still challenge her for that honor. President Biden stepping out means the Democrats also now have to pick a Vice President the ticket.

For stability of the Democrat party President Biden resigning as President turning over the mantle fully to Harris makes the competition at the Convention only for the Vice President slot, rather than both the President and the V.P..

This would also gives Harris and whoever is chosen as V.P. 6 month’s as President and Vice President going into the next term if they were to win the Election.

The odds of this happening are slim to none. President Biden had to be dragged kicking and screaming from running for reelection. He only did so because of those from his own party calling for him not to run, plus the fact the over half the Democrat Senators were going to put out a united letter on Monday calling for him not to run. All the major Democrat donors had already stopped giving money ten days ago, cutting the money off for all Democrats that are running for reelection. Hours after he resigned from the campaign the money once again began to flow.

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