The OMG Debate….

If by now you are still unaware of the TrainWreck the world witnessed last night you won’t be by the end of the day.

As I watched the Debate last night I sat as most people in shock. Not for the obvious reason that President Biden is Senile, the majority of us on the right have known that years ago. No I was shocked that they allowed this man to get in front of a live camera for more than 60 seconds.

This one Clip sums up Joes whole performance. This 2 minutes, 56 seconds shows you both candidates in perfect contrast.

The Full Debate is right HERE for those that wish to view the horror in it’s entirety. What we really need to discuss are some hard facts. The first being that there is no way Joe is running the country. Whether it’s Obama from the shadows or a committee of advisors, it sure as hell isn’t Joe.

We are engaged in two Wars that could both go Nuclear. Our economy due to the restrictions on Gasoline and other fuels is in complete collapse. The Department of Justice is completely out of control acting like the SS. The Supreme Court just today over turned a majority of the J6 cases.

We do not know who is really running things. That puts all of our lives in danger. The debate proved President Biden is incapable of making cognizant decisions, and has been for quite sometime. Who do we hold accountable? Who is making the decisions?

Views: 77


2 thoughts on “The OMG Debate….

  1. Hello David

    The debate was a tragic event. Trump lied very frequently, but that’s him, no surprise there.

    But what was a shock was to see a serving president that was so clearly lost at times.

    The Dem and liberal media establishment has been screaming for a year and more that there’s nothing wrong with Joe Biden, that it was all a matter of creative camerawork by Fox News, etc. Well, that talk ended last night.

    I hope that all is well with you and yours.


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